I've started to play around with code generation, targeting OCaml for now. When I export a function with a nat
argument, I'm only able to use that function by building up a nat
value manually, e.g. Suc (Suc (Suc Zero_nat))
Is there any trick to being able to use numerals directly?
I have also been looking on how to do this a while ago. Have a look at section 7.3 of Code generation for Isabelle/HOL theories.
You can either import HOL-Library.Code_Binary_Nat
, which will use a binary representation for natural numbers instead of a unary one, or you can also import HOL-Library.Code_Target_Nat
, where if you are using OCaml, natural numbers will be represented by OCaml's Zarith library.
Alex Weisberger has marked this topic as unresolved.
I'm running into an error when doing this. I imported "HOL-Library.Code_Target_Nat"
and get this error on export_code
"Nat.zero_nat_inst.zero_nat" is not a constructor, on left hand side of equation, in theorem:
bevalf zero_nat_inst.zero_nat ?t ≡ ?t
In the documentation it says: "Pattern matching with 0 / Suc is eliminated by a preprocessor."
I'm using 0 as a constructor in a function.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC