Hi, I want to prove that my function "calculate_votes_for_election" is invariant under permutations of list of parties.
fun count_votes :: "'b ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒ 'b Votes
⇒ 'b Votes" where
"count_votes party profile_list votes =
(let n_votes = foldr (λpref acc. if card (above pref party) = 0
then acc+1
else acc) profile_list 0
in votes(party := n_votes))"
fun empty_votes :: "('b ⇒ rat)" where
"empty_votes b = 0"
fun calculate_votes_for_election :: "'b list ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒ 'b Votes" where
"calculate_votes_for_election parties prof =
(let v = empty_votes in (if parties = [] then empty_votes else
(foldr (λparty acc_votes.
count_votes party prof acc_votes)
parties v)))"
For the moment i rewrote count_votes without the foldr but in recursion way
fun count_votes :: "'b ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒ 'b Votes ⇒ rat
⇒ 'b Votes" where
"count_votes party [] votes n = votes(party:= n)" |
"count_votes party (px # p) votes n =
count_votes party p votes (if card (above px party) = 0
then n+1
else n)"
thinking that in this way it may be easier to proof. Any help or suggestion? Should i rewrite also calculate_votes_for_election in recursive way to write my proof? Thanks in advance
Do you need to work on lists? The natural data structure would be multisets…
Otherwise the natural way would be to interprete the function as comp_fun_commute in the proofs.
Mathias Fleury said:
Do you need to work on lists? The natural data structure would be multisets…
I chose lists because I need to extract one element from it and in the theory about multisets I found nothing to extract a single element without knowing in advance the element itself, I only found Min but in my case it's not a linorder type.
Update: I tried to do it with multisets without succeeding so I am trying with lists.
fun calculate_votes :: "'b list ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒'b Votes ⇒ 'b Votes" where
"calculate_votes [] profile_list votes = votes" |
"calculate_votes (px # p) profile_list votes =
calculate_votes p profile_list (count_votes px profile_list empty_votes 0)"
lemma calculate_votes_permutation:
p1 :: "'b Parties" and
p2 ::"'b Parties" and
profile ::"'b Profile" and
votes::"'b Votes"
shows "∀p1 p2 profile votes. p1 <~~> p2 ⟶ calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
proof (cases)
assume "p1 = []"
assume "p1 <~~> p2"
then have "p2 = []" using perm_empty_imp
by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›)
hence "calculate_votes p1 profile votes =
calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›)
then show ?thesis by simp
I managed to write something like this and it is not working, even though it seems to "pick" the thesis
proof (chain)
picking this:
calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes
Failed to refine any pending goal
Local statement fails to refine any pending goal
Failed attempt to solve goal by exported rule:
(p1 = []) ⟹
(mset p1 = mset p2) ⟹
∀p1 p2 profile votes.
mset p1 = mset p2 ⟶ calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes
How should I change my proof? Or again is there any way to do it with multisets?
Salvatore Francesco Rossetta said:
Mathias Fleury said:
Do you need to work on lists? The natural data structure would be multisets…
I chose lists because I need to extract one element from it and in the theory about multisets I found nothing to extract a single element without knowing in advance the element itself, I only found Min but in my case it's not a linorder type.
You must have missed fold_mset
Salvatore Francesco Rossetta said:
Update: I tried to do it with multisets without succeeding so I am trying with lists.
fun calculate_votes :: "'b list ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒'b Votes ⇒ 'b Votes" where "calculate_votes [] profile_list votes = votes" | "calculate_votes (px # p) profile_list votes = calculate_votes p profile_list (count_votes px profile_list empty_votes 0)" lemma calculate_votes_permutation: fixes p1 :: "'b Parties" and p2 ::"'b Parties" and profile ::"'b Profile" and votes::"'b Votes" shows "∀p1 p2 profile votes. p1 <~~> p2 ⟶ calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes" proof (cases) assume "p1 = []" assume "p1 <~~> p2" then have "p2 = []" using perm_empty_imp by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›) hence "calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes" by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›) then show ?thesis by simp next
I managed to write something like this and it is not working, even though it seems to "pick" the thesis
proof (chain) picking this: calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes Failed to refine any pending goal Local statement fails to refine any pending goal Failed attempt to solve goal by exported rule: (p1 = []) ⟹ (mset p1 = mset p2) ⟹ ∀p1 p2 profile votes. mset p1 = mset p2 ⟶ calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes
How should I change my proof? Or again is there any way to do it with multisets?
That is not a valid proof. You are doing cases of variables under forall-quantors. So obviously it does not work
Mathias Fleury said:
That is not a valid proof. You are doing cases of variables under forall-quantors. So obviously it does not work
I know, I pasted only the first case because that is not working, the other one is simply a "sorry" for now, so it should not be a problem?
proof (cases)
assume "p1 = []"
assume "p1 <~~> p2"
then have "p2 = []" using perm_empty_imp
by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: ‹p1 = []›)
assume "¬(p1 = [])"
then show ?thesis sorry
The p1 in your fixes has NOTHING to do with the p1 in your goal
(except having the same name)
Therefore, the case distinction on p1 is meaningless for the goal
This is most likely what you want:
lemma calculate_votes_permutation:
p1 :: "'b Parties" and
p2 ::"'b Parties" and
profile ::"'b Profile" and
votes::"'b Votes"
assumes "p1 <~~> p2"
shows "calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
and then the proof should actually work
Mathias Fleury said:
and then the proof should actually work
it does not, there is the same error as before. today i will try to do it with multisets through fold_mset, but at this point i am just curious to know why it still does not work.
You removed the assume "p1 <~~> p2"
Mathias Fleury said:
You removed the
assume "p1 <~~> p2"
Thank you, I did and changing some details it worked. I slightly rewrote it cleaner and now I am working on the second case
proof (cases "p1 = []")
case True
with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: perm_empty_imp)
case False
then obtain x p1' where "p1 = x # p1'"
by (meson list.exhaust)
then obtain p2' where "p2 <~~> x # p2'"
using assms by metis
then have "p2' <~~> p1'"
using ‹p1 = x # p1'› assms by auto
then have "calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes (x # p1') profile votes"
using assms
by (simp add: ‹p1 = x # p1'›)
also have "... = calculate_votes p1' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)"
by simp
also have "... = calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)"
using assms by simp
also have "... = calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
using ‹p2 <~~> x # p2'› by simp
finally show ?thesis .
I wrote the first steps and they work perfectly but the "... = calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)" step does not work, I think related to the "step n" for which I assume the lemma works in the induction proofs. So I should add this somewhere? but not as an assumption, for what I understood.
contain all the theorem (IH + all assumptions). Therefore, using step
may be what you are missing.
Mathias Fleury said:
contain all the theorem (IH + all assumptions). Therefore,using step
may be what you are missing.
it's still not working, also the error is the same:
have calculate_votes p1' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0) =
calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)
proof (state)
calculate_votes p1' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0) =
calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)
goal (1 subgoal):
1. p1 ≠ [] ⟹ calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes
Failed to apply initial proof method⌂:
using this:
mset p1 = mset p2
?x ∈ ccpo_class.iterates ?f ⟹ ?f ?x ∈ ccpo_class.iterates ?f
goal (1 subgoal):
1. calculate_votes p1' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0) =
calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)
It is really weird, since this step should be solved by IH
I am lost in the proof you are actually running, but where are you doing induction? Currently I see only a case distinction cases
Mathias Fleury said:
I am lost in the proof you are actually running, but where are you doing induction? Currently I see only a case distinction
Currently this is my code
fun calculate_votes :: "'b list ⇒ 'b Profile ⇒'b Votes ⇒ 'b Votes" where
"calculate_votes [] profile_list votes = votes" |
"calculate_votes (px # p) profile_list votes =
calculate_votes p profile_list (count_votes px profile_list empty_votes 0)"
lemma calculate_votes_permutation:
p1 :: "'b Parties" and
p2 ::"'b Parties" and
profile ::"'b Profile" and
votes::"'b Votes"
assumes "p1 <~~> p2"
shows "calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
proof (cases "p1 = []")
case True
with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: perm_empty_imp)
case False
then obtain x p1' where "p1 = x # p1'"
by (meson list.exhaust)
then obtain p2' where "p2 <~~> x # p2'"
using assms by metis
then have "p2' <~~> p1'"
using ‹p1 = x # p1'› assms by auto
then have "calculate_votes p1 profile votes = calculate_votes (x # p1') profile votes"
using assms
by (simp add: ‹p1 = x # p1'›)
also have "... = calculate_votes p1' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)"
by simp
also have "... = calculate_votes p2' profile (count_votes x profile empty_votes 0)"
using step by simp
also have "... = calculate_votes p2 profile votes"
using ‹p2 <~~> x # p2'› by simp
finally show ?thesis .
The True case works, I am in the False one, stuck in the step where I use "step" as you suggested. The only thing I can think of is that I define p2 as a permutation of x # p2' and not as being itself p2 = x # p2', so maybe the IH does not work as expected?
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC