Hey guys,
I'm completely new to Isabelle and having a lot of trouble with types.
I have this function,
fun getArcs::"'a set ⇒ ('a*'a) set" where "getArcs A = {(u,v). (u,v)∈(A×A) ∧ (u≠v)}"
,which is supposed to get me all pairs of a set, except for the ones with the same value in both places.
It compiles fine, but I can't test it.
I thought since 'a is polymorphic, using a set of nats would work, but it doesn't, because it's "not of sort {enum,equal}".
So I tried creating my own datatype, but I ran into the same problem.
Without the u≠v both of those approaches work.
Can someone help me?
I've managed to narrow the problem down to this:
fun minError::"'a ⇒ 'a set" where
"minError x = {y. y=y}"
(I'm aware this function makes no sense but before it runs into the problem you'd expect, it runs into the error I encountered.)
It's the same if you put y=x at the end instead of y=y.
I suppose the problem is that y doesn't have a type yet? Is there a way to give an element, that's introduced in a set to be returned, a type?
You just have to add the missing sorts to the type annotation:
fun minError::"'a :: {enum, equal} ⇒ 'a set" where
"minError x = {y. y=y}"
I don't think that works?
Calling value "minError 0"
with your function just gives me
Wellsortedness error:
Type 'a not of sort term_of
Cannot derive subsort relation {enum,zero,equal} < term_of
then add term_of
That error message just means: "I want to you user do add XXX to the sorts"
Remark that you can also drop the type annotation completely
fun minError where
"minError x = {y. y=y}"
then there is no type annotation and Isabelle will take care of adding the correct sorts and types
It compiles fine, but I can't test it.
I assume by "test" you mean you want to use the value
Since you are using a proof assistant you can "test" with a lemma
lemma "getArcs ({True, False}) = {(True, False), (False, True)}"
by auto
lemma "getArcs ({0::nat, 1, 2}) = {(0, 1), (1,0), (1, 2), (2,1), (0, 2), (2, 0)}"
by auto
The better approach is to "test" it abstractly:
lemma "(n,n) ∉ getArcs A"
"n ≠ m ⟹ n ∈ A ⟹ m ∈ A ⟹ (m, n) ∈ getArcs A"
"n ≠ m ⟹ n ∈ A ⟹ m ∈ A ⟹ (n, m) ∈ getArcs A"
by auto
Alright, I'll be doing that going forward.
Thanks a lot, both of you.
Since the command value
calls the code generator, you are asking Isabelle to compute on sets. Sets can be infinite, requiring us to have extra constraints on the type e.g. enum
and equal
. If you want to know more about these, they are type classes https://isabelle.in.tum.de/dist/Isabelle2022/doc/classes.pdf. Thus, if you are just starting with Isabelle, I recommend using value
for things "clearly" computable (e.g. lists, nats, ints and functions on these).
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC