Based on the repositoy in AFP, I plan to extend the library of regexp in Isabelle. Here I try to prove the range regexp in below which is similay to star.
The index of star could start from zero(empty list) to infinite. The range starts from nat m to nat n. But I have no idea that figure out a solution like lemma in_star_iff_concat
(i.e. use the list to denote the procedure).
Any helps would be appreciated.
type_synonym 'a lang = "'a list set"
definition conc :: "'a lang ⇒ 'a lang ⇒ 'a lang" (infixr "@@" 75) where
"A @@ B = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs:A & ys:B}"
overloading lang_pow == "compow :: nat ⇒ 'a lang ⇒ 'a lang"
primrec lang_pow :: "nat ⇒ 'a lang ⇒ 'a lang" where
"lang_pow 0 A = {[]}" |
"lang_pow (Suc n) A = A @@ (lang_pow n A)"
definition lang_pow :: "nat ⇒ 'a lang ⇒ 'a lang" where
lang_pow_code_def [code_abbrev]: "lang_pow = compow"
lemma [code]:
"lang_pow (Suc n) A = A @@ (lang_pow n A)"
"lang_pow 0 A = {[]}"
by (simp_all add: lang_pow_code_def)
definition star :: "'a lang ⇒ 'a lang" where
"star A = (⋃n. A ^^ n)"
definition range :: "'a lang ⇒ nat ⇒ nat => 'a lang " where
"range A m n= (⋃i∈{m..n}. A ^^ i)"
lemma concat_in_star: "set ws ⊆ A ⟹ concat ws : star A"
by(induct ws) simp_all
lemma in_star_iff_concat:
"w ∈ star A = (∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws)"
(is "_ = (∃ws. ?R w ws)")
assume "w : star A" thus "∃ws. ?R w ws"
proof induct
case Nil have "?R [] []" by simp
thus ?case ..
case (append u v)
then obtain ws where "set ws ⊆ A ∧ v = concat ws" by blast
with append have "?R (u@v) (u#ws)" by auto
thus ?case ..
assume "∃us. ?R w us" thus "w : star A"
by (auto simp: concat_in_star)
lemma try_range :"w : range A m n = (...)"
You could use drop and take or state that w' ∈ A
and w' = as @ w @ bs
and length as = n /\ length w = m - n
More concretely, w ∈ range A n m ⟺ (∃w' ∈ A. w' = as @ w @ bs ∧ length as = n ∧ length w = m - n)
For the future, please mention that you also asked on SO
Okay, I will do that. Thx. The issue was also asked on
Sorry for that I am new comer in Isabelle. What is w' used for? If there is complete proof, that will be better to understand.
I try to prove such lemma here:lemma "w : range1 A m n = (∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws ≤ n ∧ length ws ≥ m)"
(is "_ = (∃ws. ?R w ws)")
where ∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws ≤ n ∧ m ≤ length ws ⟹ w ∈ range1 A m n
was proved by below,
lemma concat_Suc_contains:"concat ws ∈ range1 A m n ⟹ concat ws ∈ range1 A m (Suc n)"
apply(induct ws)
apply simp
apply (meson element_range1 le_Suc_eq)
apply simp
by (meson element_range1 le_Suc_eq)
lemma concat_n_times:"set ws ⊆ A ⟹ concat ws ∈ A ^^ length ws"
apply(induct ws)
apply simp
apply simp
lemma concat_in_range1: "set ws ⊆ A ∧ length ws ≥ m ∧ length ws ≤ n ⟹ concat ws : range1 A m n"
apply(induct n)
apply simp
using zero_range1_empty apply fastforce
apply(case_tac "length ws ≤ n")
subgoal for n apply simp
by(simp add:concat_Suc_contains)
subgoal for n apply simp apply(case_tac "length ws = (Suc n)")
prefer 2
apply simp
subgoal apply simp
by (metis dual_order.refl element_range1 concat_n_times)
But w ∈ range1 A m n ⟹ ∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws ≤ n ∧ m ≤ length ws
was still stuck.
I gave it a try, and there is no Isabelle problem here, just a "how do you do this on paper"?
I can't figure out the proof of w ∈ range1 A m n ⟹ ∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws ≤ n ∧ m ≤ length ws
, maybe induct on w. I am still trying.
It seems that the forward lemma is not correct, I don't know...
lemma zero_range1_empty:"[] ∈ range1 A 0 n"
apply(simp add:range1_def)
apply(induct n)
apply simp
apply auto
lemma element_range1:"b :range1 A m n = (∃i. i ≥ m ∧ i ≤ n ∧ b : A ^^ i)"
apply(simp add:range1_def)
using atLeastAtMost_iff by blast
lemma concat_Suc_contains:"concat ws ∈ range1 A m n ⟹ concat ws ∈ range1 A m (Suc n)"
apply(induct ws)
apply simp
apply (meson element_range1 le_Suc_eq)
apply simp
by (meson element_range1 le_Suc_eq)
lemma concat_n_times:"set ws ⊆ A ⟹ concat ws ∈ A ^^ length ws"
apply(induct ws)
apply simp
by simp
lemma concat_in_range1: "set ws ⊆ A ∧ length ws ≥ m ∧ length ws ≤ n ⟹ concat ws : range1 A m n"
apply(induct n)
apply simp
using zero_range1_empty by fastforce
apply(case_tac "length ws ≤ n")
subgoal for n apply simp
by(simp add:concat_Suc_contains)
subgoal for n
apply simp apply(case_tac "length ws = (Suc n)")
prefer 2
by simp
subgoal apply simp
by (metis dual_order.refl element_range1 concat_n_times)
lemma non_range1[simp]:"range1 A 0 0 = {[]}"
apply(simp add:range1_def)
lemma conc_range1[simp]:"range1 A 0 (Suc n) = (range1 A 0 n) ∪ A ^^ (Suc n)"
apply (simp add:range1_def)
by (simp add: atLeast0_atMost_Suc inf_sup_aci(5))
lemma in_range_iff_concat:"w : range1 A m n = (∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws ≤ n ∧ length ws ≥ m)"
(is "_ = (∃ws. ?R w ws)")
assume "w : range1 A m n" thus "∃ws. ?R w ws"
assume "∃us. ?R w us" thus "w : range1 A m n"
apply auto
by(simp add:concat_in_range1)
Unfolding range1 gives you a p
such that p \in A^^p
and m <= p
and p <= n
. Induction on p
makes a lot more sense…
Ahh, I see.
Sorry for the noob, what about the lemma " w ∈ A ^^ x ==> ∃ws. set ws ⊆ A ∧ w = concat ws ∧ length ws = x"
, when induct on p. It's very crucial.
Okay, I solved it. Thx a lot. Mathias.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC