In HOL4, I can start with a definition and turn it into an induction principle using ML functions using the CONVs. Like this:
val normal_modal_logic = Define`
NML (S: form set) <=> !A B p q f form.
(ptaut form ==> form IN S) /\
(IMP (BOX (IMP p q)) (IMP (BOX p) (BOX q))) IN S /\
(IMP (DIAM p) (NOT (BOX (NOT p)))) IN S /\
(IMP (NOT (BOX (NOT p))) (DIAM p)) IN S /\
(A IN S ==> (subst f A) IN S) /\
(A IN S ==> (BOX A) IN S) /\
((IMP A B) IN S /\ A IN S ==> B IN S)`;
val NMLG_def = Define`
NMLG (Γ:form set) = BIGINTER {A | (normal A) /\ (Γ SUBSET A)}`;
val normal_modal_logic = Define`
NML (S: form set) <=> !A B p q f form.
(ptaut form ==> form IN S) /\
(IMP (BOX (IMP p q)) (IMP (BOX p) (BOX q))) IN S /\
(IMP (DIAM p) (NOT (BOX (NOT p)))) IN S /\
(IMP (NOT (BOX (NOT p))) (DIAM p)) IN S /\
(A IN S ==> (subst f A) IN S) /\
(A IN S ==> (BOX A) IN S) /\
((IMP A B) IN S /\ A IN S ==> B IN S)`;
val NMLG_ind = save_thm(
``phi ∈ NMLG G``
|> SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [NMLG_def, normal_modal_logic]
|> EQ_IMP_RULE |> #1
|> DISCH ``(phi : form) ∈ NMLG G``
|> Q.GEN `phi`
|> DISCH_ALL |> Q.GEN `P`)
Something similar also exists in Lean (although I do not quite know how to use them...)
Is there any way to do something similar in Isabelle? I hope something is written in the reference manual, but I can hardly find any.
Say, in above, the t |> f
means passing a HOL term into an ML function. Here we start with the HOL term phi ∈ NMLG G
of type bool, apply the function SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [NMLG_def, normal_modal_logic]
on it, it will produce a theorem, with is an "iff". Then the next function takes the theorem, apply the ML function EQ_IMP_RULE
on it, to split it into two directions, and the next function takes the forward implication, etc.
I believe it can be done by stating the lemma and prove it, but I find some time using functions are more straightforward, and avoid the potential mistakes that may occur when writing out the theorem by hand.
The thm NMLG_ind derived using functions:
It is done by unfolding the definition of big intersection.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC