I am not sure how to deal with function definitions that contain let
s inside proofs.
Unfolding the function definition yields
have "lapprox_tm0 η0 η1 d φ x ⊥ (Suc n) = (let (val, η1', d') = lapprox_tm0 η0 η1 d φ x ⊥ n in
eval_tm0 (η0(x := val)) η1' d' φ)"
by simp
Eventually I would like to connect lapprox_tm0
to eval_tm0
but the following obviously does not work since the variables are not in scope
have "lapprox_tm0 η0' η1' d φ x ⊥ (Suc n) = (let (val, η1'', d') = lapprox_tm0 η0' η1' d φ x ⊥ n in
eval_tm0 (η0'(x := val)) η1'' d' φ)"
by simp
then have "lapprox_tm0 η0' η1' d φ x ⊥ (Suc n) = eval_tm0 (η0'(x := val)) η1'' d' φ" (* error *)
so simp
fails on the last step.
On paper I would imagine to do the following
fix val η1'' d'
assume "lapprox_tm0 η0 η1 d φ x ⊥ n = (val, η1'', d')"
then have 1: "lapprox_tm0 η0 η1 d φ x ⊥ (Suc n) = eval_tm0 (η0(x := val)) η1'' d' φ"
by simp
where now simp
would work. But I cannot do this inside the proof in Isabelle since I got that assume
there which causes the proof state to error obviously.
I do not know the details of your proof. You might want to provide a minimal working example of your problem, but to cover the basics, have you passed the definition of Let Let_def
to the simplifier? i.e. apply (simp add: Let_def)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC