Hi, I'm trying to prove this lemma :
lemma "⊢{λs. (s ''a'' = n) ∧ (s ''b'' = m) ∧ (n > 0) ∧ (m > 0)} wgcd {λs. s ''a'' = gcd n m}"
where gcd
is the default gcd function and wgcd
is imperative version of gcd algorithm written in IMP (I added Sub
and Or
to syntax and semantics and they work fine):
abbreviation "wgcd ==
WHILE (Or (Less (V ''b'') (V ''a'')) (Less (V ''a'') (V ''b'')))
DO (IF (Less (V ''b'') (V ''a'')) THEN
(''a'' ::= Sub (V ''a'') (V ''b''))
(''b'' ::= Sub (V ''b'') (V ''a'')))"
I wrote :
apply (rule While'[where P = "(λs. (s ''a'' > 0 ∧ s ''b'' > 0 ∧ gcd n m = gcd (s ''a'') (s ''b'')))"])
but it fails to apply proof method:
proof (prove)
goal (1 subgoal):
1. ⊢ {λs. s ''a'' = n ∧ s ''b'' = m ∧ 0 < n ∧ 0 < m} wgcd {λs. s ''a'' = hoare_test.gcd n m}
Failed to apply proof method⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
1. ⊢ {λs. s ''a'' = n ∧ s ''b'' = m ∧ 0 < n ∧ 0 < m} wgcd {λs. s ''a'' = hoare_test.gcd n m}
What's the problem? is it precondition and postcondition or the invariant?
Thanks for your help in advance.
The precondition in the rule you want to apply does unify with the one in your goal. To compare the two:
{λs. 0 < s ''a'' ∧ 0 < s ''b'' ∧ gcd n m = gcd (s ''a'') (s ''b'')}
{λs. (s ''a'' = n) ∧ (s ''b'' = m) ∧ (n > 0) ∧ (m > 0)}
I changed the loop invariant to unify with goal:
lemma "⊢{λs. s ''a'' = n ∧ s ''b'' = m ∧ n > 0 ∧ m > 0 ∧ (gcd (s ''a'') (s ''b'') = gcd (n) (m))}
WHILE (Or (Less (V ''b'') (V ''a'')) (Less (V ''a'') (V ''b'')))
DO (IF (Less (V ''b'') (V ''a'')) THEN
(''a'' ::= Sub (V ''a'') (V ''b''))
(''b'' ::= Sub (V ''b'') (V ''a'')))
{λs. s ''a'' = gcd (s ''A'') (s ''B'')}"
apply (rule While'[where P = "λs. s ''a'' = n ∧ s ''b'' = m ∧ 0 < n ∧ 0 < m ∧ gcd (s ''a'') (s ''b'') = gcd n m"])
apply auto
apply (rule Assign')
apply auto
prefer 2
apply (rule Assign')
apply auto
and now subgoals are:
proof (prove)
goal (3 subgoals):
1. ⋀s. 0 < s ''a'' ⟹ m = s ''b'' ⟹ n = s ''a'' ⟹ s ''a'' < s ''b'' ⟹ False
2. ⋀s. 0 < s ''b'' ⟹ m = s ''b'' ⟹ n = s ''a'' ⟹ s ''b'' < s ''a'' ⟹ False
3. ⋀s. n = s ''a'' ⟹ m = s ''a'' ⟹ 0 < s ''a'' ⟹ s ''b'' = s ''a'' ⟹ s ''a'' = gcd (s ''A'') (s ''B'')
How should I continue? I also tried this definition from Arith2
library instead of default definition from GCD
definition cd :: "[nat, nat, nat] ⇒ bool"
where "cd x m n ⟷ x dvd m ∧ x dvd n"
definition gcd :: "[nat, nat] ⇒ nat"
where "gcd m n = (SOME x. x>0 ∧ cd x m n & (∀y.(cd y m n) ⟶ y dvd x))"
Which one should I use? should I define it myself?
When trying to prove false you have to ask yourself: are my assumptions contradictory? Or is my goal false?
Here the assumptions do not seem contradictory, so your goal is most likely false
Your question really looks like an homework, so I don't want to spoil the fun of finding why the goal is false
Last updated: Feb 11 2025 at 12:37 UTC