Dear all,
I am posting this here in addition to my mailing list email from yesterday. In short, I am working on a proof, which
inducts over all abelian groups and passes to the quotient group in one of the cases during the induction step. This creates a type issue even if
generalizing the group itself since the types of elements of the quotient group and the original group are different. I have come up with a short minimal working example to illustrate the proof with a short sketch:
theory Scratch
imports Complex_Main
context abelian_group
(* below are just examples, otherwise can't use P and Q for the factor group *)
definition P :: "'b set ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"P A n = True"
definition Q :: "'b set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ bool" where "Q A B = undefined"
lemma induction_sketch:
fixes n :: nat
shows "∀ A. Q A G ⟶ P A n"
have "abelian_group G (⋅) 𝟭 ⟹ (∀ A. Q A G ⟶ P A n)"
proof(induction n arbitrary: G "(⋅)" "𝟭" rule: nat_less_induct)
fix n
fix G :: "'a set"
fix add (infixl "⊕" 65)
fix unit :: "'a"
assume hind: "∀m<n. ∀x xa xb. abelian_group x xa xb ⟶ (∀A. Q A x ⟶ P A m)"
and hgroupG: "abelian_group G add unit"
interpret G: abelian_group G add unit by (simp add: hgroupG)
obtain K :: "'a set" where hK: "subgroup_of_abelian_group K G (⊕) unit" sorry
interpret K : subgroup_of_abelian_group K G "(⊕)" unit by (simp add: hK)
(* below trivial *)
have hgroupGK: "abelian_group (G.Factor_Group G K) K.quotient_composition (K.Class unit)" sorry
obtain C :: "('a set) set" and m :: "nat" where hmn: "m < n" and
hQC: "Q C (G.Factor_Group G K)" sorry
show "(∀A. Q A G ⟶ P A n)"
fix A assume "Q A G"
(* claim I can prove *)
moreover have "Q A G ⟹ P C m ⟹ P A n" sorry
(* this should be a combination of hind, hgroupGK, hQC and hmn but fails *)
moreover have "P C m" using hind hgroupGK hQC hmn sorry
ultimately show "P A n" by simp
then show ?thesis by (simp add: abelian_group_axioms)
The problematic bit is the lines:
(* this should be a combination of hind, hgroupGK, hQC and hmn but fails *)
moreover have "P C m" using hind hgroupGK hQC hmn sorry
Here, I fail to be able to specialize the induction hypothesis to the quotient group because the induction hypothesis is over a group, whose carrier is in ' b set
and the carrier of the quotient group is in 'a set set
. Thanks in advance for your help on making this work!
Yeah I'm afraid that doesn't work. That's just a restriction of HOL's type system: you cannot do quantification over type variables.
The only solution I can think of is to simply always work on groups with elements of type nat
. I assume everything is countable in your case (otherwise you wouldn't be able to do induction), so you can simply obtain some arbitrary bijection between your group elements and some set of natural numbers and then push everything along the isomorphism. It's not great, but it works.
Manuel Eberl said:
Yeah I'm afraid that doesn't work. That's just a restriction of HOL's type system: you cannot do quantification over type variables.
The only solution I can think of is to simply always work on groups with elements of type
. I assume everything is countable in your case (otherwise you wouldn't be able to do induction), so you can simply obtain some arbitrary bijection between your group elements and some set of natural numbers and then push everything along the isomorphism. It's not great, but it works.
Thanks for the idea! I think the induction argument should work over all groups, not just countable ones. In the actual statement of Kneser’s theorem, we just pick nonempty finite subsets A, B of the group G, which we do not a-priori assume to be countable, so the group itself may not biject with a set of naturals. If I’m getting this right, your idea is to find a fixed type, in which we could embed all (abelian) groups?
Yeah I don't think there is such a type…
If I understood you correctly, your induction step is to go from the group to some quotient group of that group?
In that case, what you could do is to fix an arbitrary canonical representative for each of the equivalence classes and then just work with those representatives instead of the classes. This way, your 'a group
is still an 'a group
after the quotienting.
Definitely not the nicest solution, but it should work.
Just as a side note, I'm not an expert on this topic, but I think that even in systems that do support type-level quantification like Coq and Lean you might run into trouble here and have to employ a similar trick. But I might be wrong.
Manuel Eberl said:
In that case, what you could do is to fix an arbitrary canonical representative for each of the equivalence classes and then just work with those representatives instead of the classes. This way, your
'a group
is still an'a group
after the quotienting.
Thanks, this indeed looks like a possible solution, I will try to implement it soon
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC