I just tried to install the dev version of isabelle on my macbook (m4 processor).
After cloning the repo i get when running ./Admin/init
Hinweis: Einige Eingabedateien verwenden nicht geprüfte oder unsichere Vorgänge.
Hinweis: Wiederholen Sie die Kompilierung mit -Xlint:unchecked, um Details zu erhalten.
### Building Isabelle/Scala/Admin (/Users/moroo/isabelle/lib/classes/isabelle_admin.jar) ...
After this, when running ./bin/isabelle jedit
it starts to build HOL and fails:
*** Solver verit: Solver terminated abnormally with error code 126 *** At command "by" (line 3764 of "~~/src/HOL/List.thy") Unfinished session(s): HOL
I tried pulling an older image (few weeks) and it has the same error.
I just tried installing the 2024 release which works fine. During the install of the release i was prompted to install rosetta (emulation layer for the new arm processors). To properly document the errors i just wanted to try to install the dev version again but now it works as it should. I very much suspect it has to do with the now existing rosetta (as i did exactly the same steps as before)?
I just wanted to leave this somewhere, maybe it helps someone in the future. I'm just glad it works now.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC