Hi, I am looking forward to releasing the new version of Isabelle/HOL because of a vscode is bundled.
I tried the ./bin/isabelle vscode
in the Isabelle-RC4.app in macOS but the vscode is not launched.
The command run in a few seconds and silently exited with status 0. I have checked the Security Policy in Preference Panel of macOS
but it mentioned no security issues. How do I launch the vscode for Isabelle HOL?
for me it took much more that a couple of seconds the first time
and it opened only after the command return with status 0
However, because we are in the release process: please write this on the mailing list
Noted with thank you. I will describe the detail there. You have two mailing list.
For my issue, which mailing list is preferable?
user mailing list
I got it. Thank you.
The release announcement: https://isabelle.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/247541-Mirror.3A-Isabelle-Users-Mailing-List/topic/.5Bisabelle.5D.20Pre-final.20Isabelle2022-RC4.20is.20now.20available/near/304665286
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC