Hello, I like to simplify bigger definitions with a "let" statement to make them more readable. However, I noticed that this does not behave like a simple abbreviation. Rather it internally turns my function into a mess of lambda function applications which often complicates proofs. Because of this I started to use abbreviations for this purpose instead, which is uglier.
Is this just an issue with my approach or is this intetional? What is the actual use case for let statements?
I don't know if this is the historic reason, but if let
would be an abbreviation rather than a constant, you could not use it well for code generation
But if you are too bothered, you can write your own syntax translation for an abbreviated let :shrug:
definition X where
X_internal_def: "X = (let a = 0::nat in undefined a)"
lemmas X_def = X_internal_def[unfolded Let_def]
although I am not sure why there would be a "mess of lambda function" in the proof, because you can simply use Let_def…
Also unfolding lets in general can make you term much bigger
Thank you! I actually didn't know about just unfolding the lemma.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC