Hello everyone!
I built a minimal working example of something else I am working on, which isolates a problem that I have:
theory "Test"
imports Main
datatype dat1 = NConst nat | NSum "dat2 list"
and dat2 = PlusOne dat1 | PlusTwo dat1
type_synonym eval1_type = "((nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ dat1 ⇒ nat)"
type_synonym eval2_type = "((nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ dat2 ⇒ nat)"
fun evall :: "((nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ dat2 ⇒ nat) ⇒ (nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ dat2 list ⇒ nat"
"evall ev v [] = 0"
| "evall ev v (e # Θ) = (ev v e) + (evall ev v Θ)"
lemma eval_list_cong [fundef_cong]:
"⟦ v1 = v2; Θ1 = Θ2; ⋀e. e ∈ set Θ1 ⟹ ev1 v1 e = ev2 v2 e ⟧
⟹ evall ev1 v1 Θ1 = evall ev2 v2 Θ2"
apply (induction Θ1 arbitrary: Θ2)
by auto
function eval1 :: eval1_type
and eval2 :: eval2_type
"eval1 v (NConst i) = v i"
| "eval1 v (NSum Θ) = (evall eval2 v Θ)"
| "eval2 v (PlusOne e) = (eval1 v e) + 1"
| "eval2 v (PlusTwo e) = (eval1 v e) + 2"
by pat_completeness auto
apply (relation "measure (λk. (case k of
Inl(v, e) ⇒ size e |
Inr(v, e) ⇒ size e))")
apply auto
I need to do a manual termination proof because my actual piece of work relies on a more complex lexicographic termination order. And suppose I want to outsource the evall
The problem that arises now is that Isabelle does not know that the argument e ∈ Θ
can be considered smaller thanΘ
I suppose this requires an adjustment of the measure function that somehow enters the list recursion from the recursion over dat1
and dat2
. But how would I do that exactly?
If you simplify that proof obligation you see that all that is missing is the fact that size e ≤ size_list size Θ
. This is obviously true, and you can prove it e.g. with an auxiliary lemma. Or just ad-hoc using induction:
termination proof (relation "measure (λ(v, e) ⇒ size e)", goal_cases)
case (2 v Θ e)
hence "size e ≤ size_list size Θ"
by (induction Θ) auto
thus ?case
by simp
qed auto
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC