Is there any lemma similar to this?
lemma max_eqI:
"l ! x = Max(set l)" and
"l' ! x > l ! x" and
"x ≠ y" and
"l ! y ≥ l' ! y"
shows "Max (set l') = l' ! x"
you're missing quantifiers in the lemma statement, also, generally you will need to assume x <= length l
and similarly for y
Something like this?
lemma max_eqI:
"x ≤ length l" and
"finite (set l)" and
"length l = length l'" and
"l ! x = Max(set l)" and
"l' ! x > l ! x" and
"∀y ≠ x. y ≤ length l ⟹ l ! y ≥ l' ! y"
shows "l' ! x = Max (set l')"
this looks fine, although you don't need the finite (set l)
In addition, I made a typo earlier, you probably want x < length l
rather than <=
edit: one more problem, your quantifier over y
isn't binding correctly. if you look at the statement in Isabelle you will notice that y
is not colored green
i.e., it's a free variable
returning to your original question: no I don't think there's something like this in the library, but it should not be a difficult exercise to prove this from the usual intros for Max
Yong Kiam said:
this looks fine, although you don't need the
finite (set l)
assumptionIn addition, I made a typo earlier, you probably want
x < length l
rather than<=
edit: one more problem, your quantifier over
isn't binding correctly. if you look at the statement in Isabelle you will notice thaty
is not coloredgreen
i.e., it's a free variable
How do I bind correctly y
? I never used quantifiers in assms
Compare the colors in
term "⋀y. y ≤ length l ⟹ l ! y ≥ l' ! y"
term "∀y. y ≤ length l ⟹ l ! y ≥ l' ! y"
term "∀y. y ≤ length l ⟶ l ! y ≥ l' ! y"
(green = bound, blue = free)
alternatively: add parens
Yeah with parentheses you get error messages:
term "∀y. (y ≤ length l ⟹ l ! y ≥ l' ! y)"
You cannot use meta implication (⟹
) underneath HOL a HOL quantifier (∀
Basically, use meta quantifiers and meta implication whenever possible.
HOL quantifiers and implication are necessary when you have quantifiers or implication nested inside something else, e.g. something like ∃x. ∀y. P x y
or filter (λx. ∀y. P y ⟶ Q x y)
. Here you cannot replace the ∀
and ⟶
with meta quantifiers/meta implication because they occur inside other HOL constants.
In principle you can also just always use HOL quantifiers and HOL implication everywhere and ignore the meta stuff entirely. But that will make your theorems a bit more awkward to use later because you cannot instantiate them as easily.
I did it in the end, but what if I want to prove this now? Is there any useful lemma?
lemma filter_size_is_one_helper:
fv::"rat list"
"x < length fv" and
"m = Max(set fv)" and
"fv ! x = m" and
"⋀y. y ≠ x ⟹ y < length fv ⟹ fv ! y < m"
shows "length (filter (λx. fv ! x = m) ps) = 1"
what is ps?
ah any list okay
but then the lemma is wrong
Nitpicking formula...
Nitpick found a potentially spurious counterexample:
Free variables:
fv = [0]
m = 0
ps = []
x = 0
My best guess is that you are trying to do:
lemma filter_size_is_one_helper:
fv::"'a :: linorder list"
"x < length fv" and
"m = Max(set fv)" and
"fv ! x = m" and
strict_le: "⋀y. y ≠ x ⟹ y < length fv ⟹ fv ! y < m"
shows "length (filter (λx. fv ! x = m) [0..<length fv]) = 1"
proof -
have le: ‹[0..<length fv] = ([0..<x] @ [x] @ [Suc x ..< length fv])›
using ‹fv ! x = m›
by (metis append_Cons assms(1) leI le_add_diff_inverse less_imp_le_nat not_less_zero
self_append_conv2 upt_add_eq_append upt_rec)
show ‹length (filter (λx. fv ! x = m) [0..<length fv]) = 1›
using strict_le assms(1,3) unfolding le by (force simp: filter_empty_conv)
Mathias Fleury said:
My best guess is that you are trying to do:
lemma filter_size_is_one_helper: fixes fv::"'a :: linorder list" assumes "x < length fv" and "m = Max(set fv)" and "fv ! x = m" and strict_le: "⋀y. y ≠ x ⟹ y < length fv ⟹ fv ! y < m" shows "length (filter (λx. fv ! x = m) [0..<length fv]) = 1" proof - have le: ‹[0..<length fv] = ([0..<x] @ [x] @ [Suc x ..< length fv])› using ‹fv ! x = m› by (metis append_Cons assms(1) leI le_add_diff_inverse less_imp_le_nat not_less_zero self_append_conv2 upt_add_eq_append upt_rec) show ‹length (filter (λx. fv ! x = m) [0..<length fv]) = 1› using strict_le assms(1,3) unfolding le by (force simp: filter_empty_conv) qed
Sorry, my actual aim is to do something similar to the lemma you wrote, like this
lemma filter_size_is_one_helper_2:
fv::"'a :: linorder list"
"index ps x < length fv" and
"index ps x < length ps" and
"length ps = length fv" and
"x ∈ set ps" and
"m = Max(set fv)" and
"fv ! index ps x = m" and
strict_le: "⋀y. y ≠ index ps x ⟹ y < length fv ⟹ fv ! y < m"
shows "length (filter (λx. fv ! (index ps x) = m) ps) = 1"
So filtering one list using indexes of another list (ps) of the same length. I then added some assumptions to use the lemma you wrote in my case but i am missing something, i think
I am trying to adapt, I managed to write the first step, but in showing the thesis it fails.
lemma filter_size_is_one_helper_my_case:
fv::"'a :: linorder list"
"index ps x < length fv" and
"index ps x < length ps" and
"length ps = length fv" and
"x ∈ set ps" and
"m = Max(set fv)" and
"fv ! index ps x = m" and
"ps ! index ps x = x" and
strict_le: "⋀y. index ps y < length ps ⟹ y ∈ set ps ⟹index ps y ≠ index ps x ⟹ index ps y < length fv ⟹ fv ! index ps y < m"
shows "length (filter (λx. fv ! (index ps x) = m) [0..<length ps]) = 1"
proof -
have le: ‹[0..<length ps] = ([0..<index ps x] @ [index ps x] @ [Suc (index ps x) ..< length fv])›
using ‹fv ! index ps x = m›
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI assms(2) assms(3) eq_Nil_appendI le_add2 le_add_same_cancel2 less_imp_add_positive upt_add_eq_append upt_conv_Cons)
show ‹length (filter (λx. fv ! (index ps x) = m) [0..<length ps]) = 1›
using strict_le assms unfolding le by (force simp: filter_empty_conv)
What is missing?
Replace force by auto, look at the goal that do not work and think how you would prove things by hand
this will tell you what is missing
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC