Hi, sorry for long question. I have this loop
function loop_divisor ::
"('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params" where
"(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = rec" |
"¬(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = loop_divisor (divisor_module rec)"
for which I want to prove termination. rec is a record with a list "parties". divisor_module removes head of this list, which gets shorter, this way:
fun divisor_module :: "('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params" where
"divisor_module rec =
p = hd (parties rec);
ps = remove_first (parties rec);
ni = Min (snd (snd (result rec)));
nrec = ⦇ result = (fst (result rec) ∪ {ni}, {},snd (snd (result rec)) - {ni}),
parties = ps, indexes = indexes rec,
seats = assign_seat ni p (seats rec),
votes = votes rec, fract_votes = update_votes p (seats rec) (indexes rec) (votes rec) (fract_votes rec) (params rec),
params = params rec ⦈
My idea was to write a lemma about the list getting shorter and use it in the termination of the loop above. I already wrote a lemma for remove_first which seems correct to me.
fun remove_first :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
"remove_first (x # xs) = xs"
lemma length_remove_first:
assumes non_empty: "(x # xs) ≠ []"
shows "length xs < length (x # xs)"
proof -
from non_empty have "x # xs ≠ []" by simp
then have "length (x # xs) = Suc (length xs)" by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
But then trying to prove that in divisor_module "parties nrec" (indeed ps) is shorter than "parties rec"
lemma divisor_module_p_length:
assumes non_empty_parties: "parties rec ≠ []"
shows "length (parties (divisor_module rec)) < length (parties rec)"
proof -
have "length (remove_first (parties rec)) < length (parties rec)"
using non_empty_parties by (rule length_remove_first)
then show ?thesis
by simp
it fails to prove the subgoal. Isn't my first lemma sufficient for this? Also, since I am a beginner in proofing, is the logic behind the proofing correct or I should proceed in another way? Thanks in advance
First your remove_first is exactly tl
Second, you have not provided enough to reproduce the bug.
If the problem is this, then let's see where rule is stuck:
have "length (remove_first (parties rec)) < length (parties rec)"
supply [[unify_trace_failure]]
apply (rule length_remove_first)
Clash: List.list.Cons =/= Scratch.stuff.parties
Failed to apply proof method⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
1. length (remove_first (parties rec)) < length (parties rec)
… so it is stuck because it does not why parties rec
would be unifiable with "Cons _ _"
Now I strongly suspect that if you had used tl, then simp would actually be able to solve the goal
Here the version I tried without the Divisor_Module_Params
that is not part of Main:
datatype stuff = S (parties: ‹nat list›)
fun divisor_module :: "_ ⇒ stuff" where
"divisor_module rec = S (tl (parties rec))"
function loop_divisor ::
"stuff ⇒ stuff" where
"(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = rec" |
"¬(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = loop_divisor (divisor_module rec)"
fun remove_first :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
"remove_first (x # xs) = xs"
lemma length_remove_first:
assumes non_empty: "(x # xs) ≠ []"
shows "length xs < length (x # xs)"
proof -
from non_empty have "x # xs ≠ []" by simp
then have "length (x # xs) = Suc (length xs)" by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma divisor_module_p_length:
assumes non_empty_parties: "parties rec ≠ []"
shows "length (parties (divisor_module rec)) < length (parties rec)"
using assms by simp
Mathias Fleury said:
Here the version I tried without the
that is not part of Main:datatype stuff = S (parties: ‹nat list›) fun divisor_module :: "_ ⇒ stuff" where "divisor_module rec = S (tl (parties rec))" function loop_divisor :: "stuff ⇒ stuff" where "(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = rec" | "¬(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = loop_divisor (divisor_module rec)" fun remove_first :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list" where "remove_first (x # xs) = xs" lemma length_remove_first: assumes non_empty: "(x # xs) ≠ []" shows "length xs < length (x # xs)" proof - from non_empty have "x # xs ≠ []" by simp then have "length (x # xs) = Suc (length xs)" by simp then show ?thesis by simp qed lemma divisor_module_p_length: assumes non_empty_parties: "parties rec ≠ []" shows "length (parties (divisor_module rec)) < length (parties rec)" using assms by simp
I used tl and also simp in the lemma but it is not working, i think it's the only changes to my code, then to me it looks the same.
record ('a, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params =
result :: "'a Result"
parties :: "'b Parties"
indexes :: "'a set"
seats :: "('a, 'b) Seats"
votes :: "'b StructVotes"
fract_votes :: "'b StructVotes"
params :: "nat list"
fun divisor_module :: "_ ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params" where
"divisor_module rec =
ni = Min (snd (snd (result rec)))
in ⦇ result = (fst (result rec) ∪ {ni}, {},snd (snd (result rec)) - {ni}),
parties = tl (parties rec), indexes = indexes rec,
seats = assign_seat ni (hd(parties rec)) (seats rec),
votes = votes rec, fract_votes = update_votes (hd(parties rec)) (seats rec) (indexes rec) (votes rec) (fract_votes rec) (params rec),
params = params rec ⦈)"
function loop_divisor ::
"('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params" where
"(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = rec" |
"¬(parties rec = []) ⟹ loop_divisor rec = loop_divisor (divisor_module rec)"
fun remove_first :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
"remove_first (x # xs) = xs"
lemma length_remove_first:
assumes non_empty: "(x # xs) ≠ []"
shows "length xs < length (x # xs)"
proof -
from non_empty have "x # xs ≠ []" by simp
then have "length (x # xs) = Suc (length xs)" by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma divisor_module_p_length:
assumes non_empty_parties: "parties rec ≠ []"
shows "length (parties (divisor_module rec)) < length (parties rec)"
supply [[unify_trace_failure]]
using assms by simp
The error is always failing to prove the subgoal. Could it be for the record instead of datatype?
parties rec ≠ [] ⟹
(let ni = Min (snd (snd (result rec))) in ⦇result = (insert ni (fst (result rec)), {}, snd (snd (result rec)) - {ni}), parties = tl (parties rec), indexes = indexes rec, seats = seats rec, votes = votes rec, fract_votes = fract_votes rec, params = params rec⦈))
< length (parties rec)
which clearly shows that the Let is not unfolded by simp… Therefore you need to Let_def to the simplifier.
thanks, I added Let_def, now it is working
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC