Stream: Beginner Questions

Topic: Question about isabelle's class

view this post on Zulip Hongjian Jiang (Dec 15 2023 at 10:02):

Hi, all. I want to define a boolean algebra in Isabelle's class or locale, where the definition is a tuple (\sigma, a,[|_|], ⊥, ⊤, ⊔, ⊓, c ) where a is a set of predicates and ⊥, ⊤ \in a. The function [|_|] is a denotation: a -> 2^\sigma, like [|⊥|] = \emptyset, [|T|] = \sigma.

I found someone implemented it in Lean like

class Denotation (a : Type u) (\sigma : outParam (Type v)) where
denote : a  \sigma  Bool

So I try to rewrite it in Isabelle, but I found Isaeblle class can not support: Multiple type variables in class specification.

Any helps to define such a structure would be appreciated.

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Dec 15 2023 at 10:07):

This is a limitation of the type system.

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Dec 15 2023 at 10:07):

So you need to go to locales like done in HOL-Algebra

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC