Here I got the answer that I did not specify correctly that my function myle belongs to the type class at the beginning:
How can I specify that a function of type `'a => 'a => bool" conforms the type class specification, other than referring to the function name in the type class definition?
As Peter wrote in the SO Post, the function mle as you wrote it down refers to any function that takes two 'b of class order and returns a bool. What you want is to prove the theorem "x ≼ x". Note that the operator ≼ is locally fixed so outside of the context you can instantiate it with any other concrete operator (e.g. myle) that fulfils the axioms of the order typeclass.
This can be done with the command interpretation
Or instantiation
if you want to instantiate the class for a whole type.
I want to prove this theorem: for any myle function that conforms my type class, and for any x, x <= x. Can I state this in Isabelle?
That is exactly "x ≼ x". When you leave the context after end
the theorem is automatically generalised.
You can see this if you type thm order.refl
after end
For a detailed introduction to type classes and locales read the documentation:
What you also can do is write "(x::'a::order) ≼ x" after end
I'm getting to it.
lemma (in order) "lesseq x x"
proof -
show ?thesis by (rule local.refl)
works smoothly, while
theorem "order myle ⟹ myle x x"
proof -
show ?thesis by (rule order.refl)
show myle x x
Successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule:
myle x x
proof (state)
myle x x
No subgoals!
Failed to finish proof⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
Again something similar as at my first attempt.
What is wrong here?
The second one works if you use locale instead of class.
But the first one is the canonical way to do it.
And works in both cases.
I'm afraid it does not work for me, not even with locale:
theory Locale
imports Main
locale order =
fixes lesseq :: " 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (infix "≼" 50)
assumes refl: "x ≼ x"
and trans: "x ≼ y ⟹ y ≼ z ⟹ x ≼ z"
and antisym: "x ≼ y ⟹ y ≼ x ⟹ x = y"
theorem ‹order (myle :: 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⟹ myle x x›
proof -
show ?thesis by (rule order.refl)
Failed to finish proof⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
How does the K* combinator pop up here?
theorem assumes "order myle"
shows "myle x x"
proof -
from assms show ?thesis by (rule order.refl)
did the trick.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC