Hello, how can I reset the jedit window settings on Mac? Thank you
Can no one help me? I accidentally closed the "Output" tab and cannot get it to come back.
Plugins > Isabelle > Output panel
I don't remember if you have to dock to the bottom afterwards.
Mathias Fleury said:
I don't remember if you have to dock to the bottom afterwards.
Thank you Mathias :) This restored the output panel but now it is floating. Do you know how I can dock it?
somewhere right-click > dock at
the small triangle arrow, top left
right-clicking anywhere in the floating output window doesn't appear to do anything
(on macOS)
there is an extremely tiny black triangle in the top left, above a grey background
and clicking on it works!
thank you :)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC