Is it possible to get a list of all theorems in my context having a certain attribute? For instance [simp]
or [transfer_rule]
lemmas [simp] = a b c d e
or multiple labels:
lemmas [simp, transfer_rule] = a b c d e
I think Mathias might have misread the question and explained how you can apply attributes to multiple theorems.
You cannot search for theorems that got applied to an arbitrary attribute because, in general, an attribute is just a function context * thm -> context * thm
(reference to implementation manual).
You can ctrl+click on the attribute and, most of the time, you will end up in an ML module that also exposes a function returning the theorems applied to the attribute in question.
Here are the relevant functions for simp
and transfer_rule
val simps = simpset_of @{context} |> dest_simps
val transfers = Transfer.get_transfer_raw @{context}
ah yeah I misread sorry
One addition: newer attributes are usually declared with named_theorems
and you can view then like normal theorems thm no_atp
but this does not work for simp and transfer
at least for simp you need some transformations on the theorems, so it is not only about declaring the theorem, but also massaging it in the right form
Ah OK, yeah I see, not being able to search by attribute makes sense.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC