Hi. I am working with the More_Word.thy file and am trying to understand the semantics for the bit vector multiplication it uses:
class times =
fixes times :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" (infixl "*" 70)
in Groups.thy
Is there a resource I can use to find out exactly what this function does on a bit level?
From examples:
value "(3::3 word)*(3::3 word)"
is 1::3 word
value "(8::3 word)*(3::3 word)"
is 0::3 word (so 000*011=000), and the lemma
Word.uint_word_arith_bintrs(3): uint (?a * ?b) = take_bit LENGTH(?'a) (uint ?a * uint ?b)
I understand that it does the multiplication modulo 2^(LENGTH('a)) and ignores the carry overs beyond length n.
If you look at thm times_word_def
you see that (*)
on words is defined by lifting (*)
on ints. This means that the integer multiplication is performed on the the integers that are represented by the words and then the result gets truncated.
Thank you! As a follow up, I am trying to prove this lemma but get a counterexample:
lemma bvmul_ref6_h2:
fixes x1 :: "'a::len word" and x2 :: "'a::len word"
shows "(1::int) < int (size (x1::'a::len word))
⟶ (smt_extract 2 0 ((x1*x2)::'a::len word)::'a::len word)
= (((smt_extract 2 0 x1)::'a::len word)
*((smt_extract 2 0 x2)::'a::len word)::'a::len word)"
I get this counterexample:
Auto Quickcheck found a counterexample:
x1 = 3::Enum.finite_3 word
x2 = 3::Enum.finite_3 word
Evaluated terms:
smt_extract (2::nat) (0::nat) ((x1::Enum.finite_3 word) * (x2::Enum.finite_3 word)) =
1::Enum.finite_3 word
smt_extract (2::nat) (0::nat) (x1::Enum.finite_3 word) *
smt_extract (2::nat) (0::nat) (x2::Enum.finite_3 word) =
9::Enum.finite_3 word
value "(smt_extract 2 0 ((3::3 word)*(3::3 word)))::3 word"
value "((smt_extract 2 0 (3::3 word))::3 word)
*((smt_extract 2 0 (3::3 word))::3 word)"
both return 1::3 word.
Why is 001 interpreted as 9::3 word, instead of 1::3 word in the counterexample?
quickcheck sometimes does weird things…
If you fix the type from 'a to 3, the counter examples disappears (and nitpick did not find any in the first place)
I see. I do need the lemma for arbitrary lengths though. Will I be able to prove it even with a quickcheck counterexample? Does a quickcheck counterexample mean that the prover believes the lemma to be untrue?
I have not tried to prove it, but the lemma looks correct
Got it, thanks!
Shweta said:
I see. I do need the lemma for arbitrary lengths though. Will I be able to prove it even with a quickcheck counterexample? Does a quickcheck counterexample mean that the prover believes the lemma to be untrue?
Quickcheck and nitpick are diagnostic tools. There is a lot of extra code in their trusted code base that is not verified in any way. When they give you a counterexample, it's a good indication that your lemma might not be true in general, but it's definitely not a proof or a guarantee. Sometimes they produce spurious "counterexamples". I don't know the technical details.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC