In "Three Years of Experience with Sledgehammer, a Practical Link
between Automatic and Interactive Theorem Provers" it is mentioned in the end that they plan to make a version of sledgehammer for Isabelle/ZF. I can't find it, but there is so much info about Isabelle, so I might have missed it. Anybody knows?
It never happened.
Thanks! I wonder if it is because of lack of interest or because automatic theorem proving is harder for set theory. Anyway, thanks again for your quick reply!
maybe @Martin Desharnais knows better, but I believe it is a combination of lack of interest (very few users and Jasmin Blanchette is not one of them) and lack of publicability (publishing sledgehammer papers is very hard nowadays, because it is a very mature -- there are still open problems [e.g., dependent types], but no very interesting ones expected for Isabelle/ZF)
@Mathias Fleury basically nailed it. On top of that, porting Sledgehammer to another logic would require a lot of non-trivial refactoring for which we are missing the contributor resources.
What a good group. Thanks for the explanation. I suppose all the work on transforming higher order to first order which had to be done for HOL would be wasted on Isabelle/ZF since it is already first order. And I think I read somewhere in the TPTP documentation that set theory is known to be hard for automatic theorem provers - on the hand, if I remember correctly many of the Mizar theorems can now be proved automatically, so perhaps that has changed. Anyway, thanks again!
Hello! I am currently working with functions and I have a problem with their termination. With my current code Isabelle seems to be unable to identify that the function is over and I am a little confused with the section.
code looks like this and it says failed to finish subgoal.
theory th1_th8_new
imports Main
datatype BinNum = Zero | One | JoinZero BinNum | JoinOne BinNum
datatype Var = Var nat
datatype Term = V Var | Z | S Term | Plus Term Term | Times Term Term
datatype Form = Eq Term Term | Neg Form | Imp Form Form | And Form Form | Or Form Form | All Var Form
fun len :: "BinNum ⇒ nat"
"len Zero = 1"|
"len One = 1"|
"len (JoinZero x) = len x + 1"|
"len (JoinOne x) = len x + 1"
function addBinNum :: "BinNum ⇒ BinNum ⇒ BinNum"
"addBinNum Zero x = x"|
"addBinNum x Zero = x"|
"addBinNum One One = JoinZero One"|
"addBinNum One (JoinZero x) = JoinOne x"|
"addBinNum One (JoinOne x) = JoinZero(addBinNum One x)"|
"addBinNum(JoinZero x) One = JoinOne x"|
"addBinNum(JoinOne x) One = JoinZero(addBinNum One x)"|
"addBinNum(JoinZero x) (JoinZero y) = JoinZero(addBinNum x y)"|
"addBinNum(JoinZero x) (JoinOne y) = JoinOne(addBinNum x y)"|
"addBinNum(JoinOne x) (JoinZero y) = JoinOne(addBinNum x y)"|
"addBinNum(JoinOne x) (JoinOne y) = JoinZero(addBinNum(addBinNum x y) One)"
by pat_completeness auto
termination addBinNum
by(relation "measure (λ(x,y). len x + len y)") auto
Your termination proof does not complete and Isabelle tells you where it gets stuck:
Failed to finish proof⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
1. ⋀x y. addBinNum_dom (x, y) ⟹ len (addBinNum x y) < Suc (len x + len y)
As the value of addBinNum x y
depends on what x
and y
are, an induction proof might help. In fact this works as a termination proof:
apply (relation "measure (λ(x,y). len x + len y)")
apply auto
subgoal for x y by (induction x y rule: addBinNum.pinduct) (auto simp add: addBinNum.psimps)
As there is no termination proof done yet, this uses the partial versions of the induction and simplification rules.
You can also proof termination by just applying the size_change
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC