Firstly, code:
datatype form = VAR "num"
| DISJ "form" "form"
| NOT "form"
| DIAM "form"
fun propform :: "form ⇒ bool"
"propform FALSE = True"
| "propform (VAR p) = True"
| "propform (DISJ f1 f2) = (propform f1 ∧ propform f2)"
| "propform (NOT f) = propform f"
| "propform (DIAM f) = False"
definition IMP_def : "IMP f1 f2 = DISJ (NOT f1) f2"
fun peval :: "(num ⇒ bool) ⇒ form ⇒ bool" where
"peval σ (VAR p) = σ p"
| "peval σ (DISJ f1 f2) = (peval σ f1 ∨ peval σ f2)"
| "peval σ FALSE = False"
| "peval σ (NOT f) = (¬ peval σ f)"
| "peval σ (DIAM f) = False"
definition ptaut_def : "ptaut f ⟷ propform f ∧ (∀σ. peval σ f)"
lemma ptaut_MP : "ptaut (IMP f1 f2) ∧ ptaut f1 ⟹ ptaut f2"
proof -
show ?thesis sorry
The formulas are modal formulas. "propform" defines propositional formulas, which are modal formulas without modal operators.
"peval" is propositional evaluation, takes an assignment of the truth values of the propositional variables, and returns the truth value of the whole formula.
"ptaut" means "propositional tautology".
I want to prove the lemma taut_MP, saying if (f1 -> f2) is a propositional tautology and f1 is a propositional tautology, then so is f2. It should follow from the definition of propositional tautology and IMP_def.
But I got this error:
The proof is trivial to do (here you are missing the assumption), I think that reading a tutorial like the prog-prove would be very useful (it is available in the documentation panel)
It says "Successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule" and said "Failed to finish proof", seems contradictory.
Mathias Fleury said:
The proof is trivial to do (here you are missing the assumption), I think that reading a tutorial like the prog-prove would be very useful (it is available in the documentation panel)
I did, sorry maybe I have forgot some important things.
No: one refers to the show (yes the goal is something you want to prove) and the other to the proof (is this going through?)
Yiming Xu said:
Mathias Fleury said:
The proof is trivial to do (here you are missing the assumption), I think that reading a tutorial like the prog-prove would be very useful (it is available in the documentation panel)
I did, sorry maybe I have forgot some important things.
Like reading the Isar chapter?
lemma ptaut_MP :
assumes "ptaut (IMP f1 f2)" and "ptaut f1"
shows "ptaut f2"
proof -
show ?thesis using assms sorry
I now understand thy are not contradictory. Let me quickly try and alternative.
Yes, I read the Isar chapter and then forgot the "using" stuff just after several days...
lemma ptaut_MP : assumes a : "ptaut (IMP f1 f2) ∧ ptaut f1" shows b: "ptaut f2"
proof -
show ?thesis using a by (simp add: IMP_def ptaut_def)
That works.
Thank you for the hint... I admit I read too fast.
Please write it assumes "ptaut (IMP f1 f2)" and "ptaut f1"
. It makes things easier later
Thanks! I will do it now.
I think I do not understand the "successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule" message:
If it is solved, why the red underscore?
Try to use "show False"
I do not think that it is possible to fail on the first message (aka writing the correct thing to prove) without failing the section (the tactic work)
Mathias Fleury said:
Try to use "show False"
there you will the see show failing (aka the first message not working)
Sorry I am afraid I do not get it. What does "show False" refer to?
You have two messages:
1. the show is correct
2. the proof of the show went through
There are three cases:
- the show is incorrect (like show False
- the show is correct ("successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule") but the proof does not go through (by highlighted in red) -- this triggered your question
- the show is correct ("successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule") and the proof goes through
And I wanted to make sure that you saw all three cases
I (hope I) see. So the error message for show False , in the screenshot above, is because Isabelle knows that False cannot be proved?
It is important to have all three cases, because tactics can take a long time. Otherwise Isabelle needs to wait for the by to finish before continuing procesing
Yiming Xu said:
I (hope I) see. So the error message for show False , in the screenshot above, is because Isabelle knows that False cannot be proved?
No, it knows that this is not what you are trying to prove: you are trying to prove b, so proving False is not allowed
Ah I see. It only wants to confirm I am attempting to prove the correct goal.
So it then knows once it is proved, the next part of the whole proof will go through.
If I am attempting the wrong goal, then maybe even my tactics work for my wrong goal, the rest of the proof cannot work.
It does not wait for the tactic to succeed, so you can have a "by simp" that takes 40minutes and still continue working
But if it knows I am attempting on the correct goal, then it does not need have to wait me to prove it, and can safely proceed the rest of proof.
for a simp I never saw this, but having slow fastforce (more than one minute) happens
Mathias Fleury said:
for a simp I never saw this, but having slow fastforce (more than one minute) happens
It is impressive that you trust it that it will eventually solve it...
It usually happens that way: you have a fast call. Then one Isabelle update later, it becomes slower. Then one Isabelle update later, it becomes slower again… but you are working on something that depends on that lemma, so the motivation to improve the proof is low
Think of one call in HOL: you have built HOL the first time you needed it. After that you do not care how long each tactic took. You only care that it worked
I see. I only have a big metis around 40s. But that one is just because I think "what else can it be", and I was surprised it takes so long.
Mathias Fleury said:
Think of one call in HOL: you have built HOL the first time you needed it. After that you do not care how long each tactic took. You only care that it worked
That's true! Makes a lot of sense.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC