Stream: Beginner Questions

Topic: Termination

view this post on Zulip Salvatore Francesco Rossetta (Jan 18 2024 at 22:31):

Hi, sorry for long question, I have this function

function loop_divisor_outer ::
  "'a::linorder Result × ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params × 'a::linorder Termination_Condition × nat ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params"
  "loop_divisor_outer (r, p, t, n) =
     (if n ≤ 0 then defer_divisor p
      else let (n', p') = main_function (r, p, t, n) in loop_divisor_outer (r, p', t, n'))"
by pat_completeness auto

I would like to prove that it reaches an end (n = 0) proving that n' < n for every iteration. i "know" this because in main_function i calculate n' as n' = n - length max_votes_parties, which is a non empty list.
code for reference:

fun main_function :: "('a::linorder Result × ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params × 'a::linorder Termination_Condition × nat) ⇒
   (nat × ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module_Params)" where
"main_function (r, p, t, n::nat) =
  (let (result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps) = p;
    (ass, rej, def) = result;
    max_votes_parties = find_max_votes v parties
    if max_votes_parties = [] then
        (0, (result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps))
    if (length max_votes_parties) ≤ n then
         n = n - length max_votes_parties;
         res_params = loop_divisor_composition (max_votes_parties,
                            (r, max_votes_parties, indexes, s,
                            votes, v, ps));
         res = fst(res_params)
           (n, res_params)
        let (res, seats) = divisor_module_for_tie_breaking (ass, rej, def) max_votes_parties s
        (0, (res, parties, indexes, seats, votes, v, ps)))"

Isabelle cannot automatically prove that this value (n/n') will decrease until it gets to zero. That's why when I write termination for loop this way

proof (relation "measure (\<lambda>(_, _, _, n). n)", goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case by auto
  case 2
  then show ?case by auto

of course case 2 (when n will decrease) is not proven with auto, so I have to do it manually. what's the cleanest way to prove it? can i do some assumptions? should i start proving functions inside this? thanks in advance

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 05:55):

You should have already all the assumption in the '2' case

view this post on Zulip Salvatore Francesco Rossetta (Jan 19 2024 at 09:11):

Mathias Fleury said:

You should have already all the assumption in the '2' case

Do you mean my code should already work? Because at the moment there's a failed subgoal prove:

show ((r_, y_, t_, xa_), r_, p_, t_, n_)  measure (λ(uu_, uu_, uu_, n). n)
Successful attempt to solve goal by exported rule:
  (¬ ?n3  0) 
  (?x3 = main_function (?r3, ?p3, ?t3, ?n3)) 
  ((?xa3, ?y3) = ?x3) 
  ((?r3, ?y3, ?t3, ?xa3), ?r3, ?p3, ?t3, ?n3)  measure (λ(uu_, uu_, uu_, n). n)
proof (state)
  ((r_, y_, t_, xa_), r_, p_, t_, n_)  measure (λ(uu_, uu_, uu_, n). n)

No subgoals!
Failed to finish proof:
goal (1 subgoal):
 1. 0 < n_ 
    x_ =
    (case p_ of
     (result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps) 
       let max_votes_parties = find_max_votes v parties
       in if max_votes_parties = [] then (0, result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps)
          else if length max_votes_parties  n_
               then let n = n_ - length max_votes_parties;
                        res_params =
                           (max_votes_parties, r_, max_votes_parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps);
                        res = fst res_params
                    in (n, res_params)
               else let (res, seats) =
                          divisor_module_for_tie_breaking result max_votes_parties s
                    in (0, res, parties, indexes, seats, votes, v, ps)) 
    (xa_, y_) =
    (case p_ of
     (result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps) 
       let max_votes_parties = find_max_votes v parties
       in if max_votes_parties = [] then (0, result, parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps)
          else if length max_votes_parties  n_
               then let n = n_ - length max_votes_parties;
                        res_params =
                           (max_votes_parties, r_, max_votes_parties, indexes, s, votes, v, ps);
                        res = fst res_params
                    in (n, res_params)
               else let (res, seats) =
                          divisor_module_for_tie_breaking result max_votes_parties s
                    in (0, res, parties, indexes, seats, votes, v, ps)) 
    xa_ < n_

The error is on the "by auto" of the second case

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 09:13):

No, I mean that there is no need to add an assumption…

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 09:14):

From the goal, I would try a auto split: prod.splits simp: Let_def… but you have not provided any context to help you much.

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 09:15):

Mathias Fleury said:

No, I mean that there is no need to add an assumption…

BTW, you question currently boils down to: "How do I do a proof?"

view this post on Zulip Salvatore Francesco Rossetta (Jan 19 2024 at 13:40):

Mathias Fleury said:

Mathias Fleury said:

No, I mean that there is no need to add an assumption…

BTW, you question currently boils down to: "How do I do a proof?"

Actually it's the very first time I ever try to write a proof ever, that's why I may seem confused, I still have to understand clearly all the steps to write a proof. Thanks for the help anyway

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 13:47):

Then I would suggest starting with the tutorial at:

view this post on Zulip Mathias Fleury (Jan 19 2024 at 13:47):

The page seem to be currently down, but in the documentation panel in Isabelle/jEdit > prog-prove

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC