Hi all. Do subdirectories have to be associated with separate sessions? I tried organizing the theories of a session into multiple subdirectories, referencing them from the (single) ROOT file by means of their relative path. Isabelle/jEdit was happy with this, but a command line build failed with "Implicit use of FOO directory"...
No, they don't need separate sessions. You should specify the directories that you use in your ROOT file. Say you have the following structure:
| My_Main.thy
| | Fractions.thy
| Measures.thy
And assume that My_Main.thy
contains the main results that you want to publish. Then your ROOT file should like like this:
session My_Session = "HOL" +
Sorry for the late reply, Kevin. This solved my issue, thank you very much as usual :pray:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC