I'm getting timing out proofs of False
in an empty Scratch.thy file with RC3 from vampire. Is this expected behaviour? I can't reproduce in 2022.
This indicates that vampire has a bug
@Martin Desharnais I don't remember, was there a vampire update between Isabelle2022 and Isabelle2023-RC3?
As we do not follow vampire releases regularly, it might a bug in an old version
As a work around, you can remove vampire from the list of provers
Not sure if relevant but Makarius mentions a "Last-minute improvement of Sledgehammer for vampire.", so maybe that :shrug:
Mathias Fleury said:
Not sure if relevant but Makarius mentions a "Last-minute improvement of Sledgehammer for vampire.", so maybe that :shrug:
Yes, I started using RC4 and the problem has not recurred :)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC