I defined a function collecting the set of certain symbols in a formula:
function mops :: "('m, 'p) form ⇒ 'm set" where
"mops TRUE = {}"
| "mops FALSE = {}"
| "mops (VAR p) = {}"
| "mops (CONJ f1 f2) = mops f1 ∪ mops f2"
| "mops (DISJ f1 f2) = mops f1 ∪ mops f2"
| "mops (IMP f1 f2) = mops f1 ∪ mops f2"
| "mops (NOT f) = mops f"
| "mops (DIAM m fl) = {m} ∪ (⋃{ mops f | f. f ∈ list.set fl })"
| "mops (BOX m fl) = {m} ∪ (⋃{ mops f | f. f ∈ list.set fl })"
apply auto
using form.exhaust by blast
termination proof
and Isabelle asked me to prove this termination.
However, it gives the following goal:
proof (state)
goal (10 subgoals):
1. wf ?R
2. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, CONJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
3. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, CONJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
4. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, DISJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
5. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, DISJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
6. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, IMP f1 f2) ∈ ?R
7. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, IMP f1 f2) ∈ ?R
8. ⋀f. (f, NOT f) ∈ ?R
9. ⋀m fl x xa. (xa, ♢m fl) ∈ ?R
10. ⋀m fl x xa. (xa, □m fl) ∈ ?R
I did not expect such a goal since in 8 and 9, it just assumes xa to be arbitrary, whereas I expect that I have an assumption that xa is a member of the list fl. I expect this because in the definition corresponding to these two subgoals, the induction clause only considers the members of the list, where the list is a part of the formula.
May I please ask why it gives that goal instead and how should I get the assumption that xa in fl?
you should define it in a way that is more obvious that you are taking f \in set fl
you are getting that because your set comprehension goes over all f
then restricts to the comprehension
Should I use list.map instead?
Let me just try...
Aha Isabelle got that!
Now the goal is:
goal (10 subgoals):
1. wf ?R
2. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, CONJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
3. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, CONJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
4. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, DISJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
5. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, DISJ f1 f2) ∈ ?R
6. ⋀f1 f2. (f1, IMP f1 f2) ∈ ?R
7. ⋀f1 f2. (f2, IMP f1 f2) ∈ ?R
8. ⋀f. (f, NOT f) ∈ ?R
9. ⋀m fl x.
x ∈ list.set fl ⟹ (x, ♢m fl) ∈ ?R
10. ⋀m fl x.
x ∈ list.set fl ⟹ (x, □m fl) ∈ ?R
Thank you very much!
you could probably just use fun
at that point
Yes, indeed! Thanks for pointing it out! It does not even ask about proving it is a function.
Just checked that folds
also works!
for more information
text ‹
Translate between ‹{e | x1…xn. P}› and ‹{u. ∃x1…xn. u = e ∧ P}›;
‹{y. ∃x1…xn. y = e ∧ P}› is only translated if ‹[0..n] ⊆ bvs e›.
Should [0..n]
be [x1,...,xn] instead, saying that e is a term constructed from x1 ...xn? Or did I misunderstand?
Yiming Xu said:
be [x1,...,xn] instead, saying that e is a term constructed from x1 ...xn? Or did I misunderstand?
might be a typo i quoted it from Set.thy
I see. Thanks for the reference!
The easiest way to check is probably to write it out in its un set comprehension form and see whether its printed the same in the console
I see. So both
term "{(mops f)| f. f ∈ list.set fl }"
term "{u . (∃f. u = mops f ∧ f ∈ list.set fl) }"
are printed as
"{mops f |f. f ∈ list.set fl}"
:: "'a set"
Yiming Xu said:
I see. So both
term "{(mops f)| f. f ∈ list.set fl }"
term "{u . (∃f. u = mops f ∧ f ∈ list.set fl) }"are printed as
"{mops f |f. f ∈ list.set fl}" :: "'a set"
Yup set comprehension is just syntax sugar
Good to know this. Thanks for teaching!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC