I have made a definition involving Inf and I got very confused. I am stating my confusion here and would like mature users to help identify what I missed about critical things to know for using Inf.
I defined:
inductive height_le ::
"'a ⇒ 'm set ⇒ ('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
for r :: 'a and Op :: "'m set" and R :: "('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool)"
root : "height_le r Op R r 0"
| rel: "height_le r Op R w n ⟹ m ∈ Op ⟹ R m (w # vl) ⟹ v ∈ set vl
⟹ height_le r Op R v (n+1)"
definition height :: "'a ⇒ 'm set ⇒ ('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat" where
"height r Op R w = Inf {n. height_le r Op R w n}"
It says R is a family of relations indexed by Op. Think about just one binary relation, then in this case if we fix an element r as a root element, then r has height 0, and for each of its immediate successor, i.e. R r w, we say "w's height is at most 1". The "at most" instead of "is" is because in the case we have a 1-path [r,w] and a 2-path [r,w0,w], then we can will count w twice, through w0 or not, then we have "w has height at most 1" and "w has height at most 2", and we will take "1" as the height of w, since it is the smallest.
I then proved:
lemma height_le_root:
"height_le r τ R w 0 ≡ w = r"
using height_le.simps
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) add_is_0 zero_neq_one)
But I cannot prove
lemma height_root:
"height r τ R w = 0 ⟷ w = r"
unfolding height_def
I tried:
lemma height_root:
"height r τ R w = 0 ⟷ w = r"
unfolding height_def
proof (safe)
assume a: "(Inf (Collect (height_le r τ R w)) = 0)"
have "finite (Collect (height_le r τ R w))" sorry
then have "height_le r τ R w 0"
using a height_le_root Inf_nat_def Inf_nat_def1 sledgehammer
and sledgehammer fails here. May I please ask for possible reasons?
Oops. I should not have the "sorry" since it is not necessarily true. But still I am surprised that sledgehammer fails.
I think an inductive argument from left and right would work, trying...
Inf is very hard for sledgehammer because the inf is not guaranteed to be in the set (well here it is, but this is hard to figure out). This is where you as a human must add extra steps.
I managed something, but I had to add an extra condition:
inductive height_le ::
"'a ⇒ 'm set ⇒ ('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
for r :: 'a and Op :: "'m set" and R :: "('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool)"
root[intro] : "height_le r Op R r 0"
| rel: "height_le r Op R w n ⟹ m ∈ Op ⟹ R m (w # vl) ⟹ v ∈ set vl
⟹ height_le r Op R v (n+1)"
definition height :: "'a ⇒ 'm set ⇒ ('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat" where
"height r Op R w = Inf {n. height_le r Op R w n}"
lemma height_le_root:
"height_le r τ R w 0 ≡ w = r"
using height_le.simps
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) add_is_0 zero_neq_one)
inductive_cases heightE: ‹height_le r τ R w 0›
lemma height_root:
assumes ‹height_le r τ R w n›
shows "height r τ R w = 0 ⟷ w = r"
proof -
have ‹w=r› if ‹Inf (Collect (height_le r τ R w)) = 0›
proof -
have ‹height_le r τ R w 0›
using that
wellorder_InfI[of n ‹Collect (height_le r τ R w)›, simplified] assms
unfolding height_def
by (auto simp del: )
then show ?thesis
using wellorder_InfI[of 0 ‹Collect (height_le r τ R w)›, simplified]
by (auto elim: heightE)
then show ?thesis
using cInf_eq_minimum[of 0 ‹Collect (height_le r τ R w)›]
unfolding height_def
by (auto simp del: )
So I think all we need would be nonemptyness.
Once the set is nonempty, we can have Inf is in the set, is that true?
Oh I can just find_theorems...
For natural numbers : yes
in general : no
found 4 theorem(s):
Conditionally_Complete_Lattices.wellorder_InfI: ?k ∈ ?A ⟹ Inf ?A ∈ ?A
Conditionally_Complete_Lattices.Inf_nat_def1: ?K ≠ {} ⟹ Inf ?K ∈ ?K
Zorn.Inter_in_chain: finite ?ℬ ⟹ ?ℬ ≠ {} ⟹ subset.chain ?𝒜 ?ℬ ⟹ ⋂ ?ℬ ∈ ?ℬ
finite ?A ⟹ ?A ≠ {} ⟹ (⋀x y. x ∈ ?A ⟹ y ∈ ?A ⟹ inf x y ∈ ?A) ⟹ Inf ?A ∈ ?A
(like integers or stuff like {x \in Q. x > sqrt(2)})
Not every set has the wellorder property
Ah yes. So infiniteness is a problem from that aspect.
lemma height_height_le:
" height_le r τ R w m ⟹ height r τ R w = n ⟹ height_le r τ R w n"
unfolding height_def
by (metis generated_set_height_height_le height_def height_le_generated_set)
I see, the problem is truly about nonemptyness. With the nonemptiness sledgehammer is fast enough.
(does not even ask me to do an induction.)
Thanks! That is good to know.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC