At Chained_Facts.thy there is a simple apply script
"∃x::nat. x > 0"
using zero_less_one
apply (rule exI)
demonstrating the chaining of the fact zero_less_one
I tried to transform this into a structured Isar proof but I could not prove my first goal in the forward proof:
"∃x::nat. x > 0"
proof -
have "(0::nat) < 1"
using zero_less_one
How could I prove this with an elementary rule? by (rule ...)
You can do it like this
lemma "∃x::nat. x > 0"
proof -
have "(0::nat) < 1"
using zero_less_one .
then show ?thesis by (rule exI)
The .
here means "immediate proof".
Alternatively, this works too
lemma "∃x::nat. x > 0"
proof -
have "(0::nat) < 1"
by (rule zero_less_one)
then show ?thesis by (rule exI)
I can not use datatype tree.
datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree"
Then I try:
value "Node(Tip, 1, Tip)" or value "Node([], 1, [])" or something else like this. Evry time I have error masage. Hope
somebody can help me.
You do not need a tuple for a datatype constructor, try
value "Node Tip (1::nat) Tip"
(*Still have to tell Isabelle the type of 1*)
If you want to use a tuple for the constructor, it may look like this
datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree * 'a * 'a tree"
Yes, data constructors in Isabelle/HOL use Currying.
El ladrón debió entrar por la puerta y uno de los sirvientes está implicado
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC