Hello, I am new to Isabelle and I have a Wellsortedness error on "nat" type.
I am using this function (which i cannot change):
fun rank :: "'a Preference_Relation ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat" where
"rank r a = card (above r a)"
which returns the number of ranking of "a" in the Preference Relation (which is a 'a rel) "r" of type 'a.
I tried using it in the simplest way writing:
value "rank {(3,4), (4,5), (5,6)} 5"
but i get this error:
"Wellsortedness error:
Type 'a not of sort {enum,equal}
Cannot derive subsort relation numeral < {enum,equal}"
So i thought the problem was to not explicitly defining the types and I updated my code:
definition my_pr :: "nat Preference_Relation" where
"my_pr = {(3,4), (4,5), (5,6)}"
value "rank my_pr 5"
but I get this error
Wellsortedness error:
Type nat not of sort {enum,equal}
No type arity nat :: enum
Doesn't this mean that nat does not have enum and equals? but I think it does and I cannot understand how to solve it. I looked for some answers here and I only found one which I don't think fits my case but I am a beginner so maybe I just didn't understand. Thanks in advance
nat is not enumerable, because you cannot enumerate all values in finite time
just think of ?x::nat. P x
: there is no finite-time solution to know if this holds or not
However in your case, you can reformulate the problem:
definition above_set :: "_ ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a set"
where "above_set r a ≡ above (set r) a"
lemmas [code] = above_set_def[symmetric]
lemma [code]:
‹above_set [] a = {}›
‹above_set ((x,y)#xs) a = (if x=a then {y} else {}) ∪ above_set xs a›
by (auto simp: above_set_def above_def)
value "(above (set [(3,4), (4,5), (5,6)]) (5::nat))"
but I think there is a better way
Turns out that I do not remember enough how the setup of sets work, to make the following work:
lemma [code]:
‹above (insert x xs) a = (if a=fst x then {snd x} else {}) ∪ above xs a›
‹above {x} a = (if a=fst x then {snd x} else {})›
by (cases x;auto simp: above_set_def above_def)+
Actually, when I paste the second lemma you wrote it's giving me an error
"Set.insert" is not a constructor, on left hand side of equation, in theorem:
above (insert ?x bot_set_inst.bot_set) ?a ≡
if ?a = fst ?x then insert (snd ?x) bot_set_inst.bot_set else bot_set_inst.bot_set
While if I don't, it seems to work and the value command gives as output "6", which is indeed the set above "5"
Yeah that what I meant with the fact that I do not manage to make it work…
I think you meant to do the following:
lemma [code]:
‹above (set []) a = {}›
‹above (set ((x,y)#xs)) a = (if x=a then {y} else {}) ∪ above (set xs) a›
by (auto simp: above_def)
This works because set
and coset
are constructors for sets in generated code. The setup was done using
code_datatype set coset
See the codegen tutorial for more info on how this works in general. You can also rewrite the function in terms of Set.filter
lemma [code]: ‹above r a = snd ` Set.filter (λ(x, y). x = a) r›
unfolding above_def by force
Just FYI, there are already some bits of social choice theory in the AFP that you could build on.
Feel free to ask me about them.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC