datatype form = VAR "num"
| DISJ "form" "form"
| NOT "form"
| DIAM "form"
record 'a frame =
world :: "'a ⇒ bool"
rel :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
record 'a model = "'a frame" +
valt :: "num ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
fun satis :: "'a model ⇒ 'a ⇒ form ⇒ bool"
"satis M w (VAR p) ⟷ (valt M p w ∧ world M w)"
| "satis M w FALSE ⟷ False"
| "satis M w (NOT f) ⟷ world M w ∧ ¬ satis M w f"
| "satis M w (DISJ f1 f2) ⟷ satis M w f1 ∨ satis M w f2"
| "satis M w (DIAM f) ⟷ world M w ∧ (∃ v. rel M w v ∧ world M v ∧ satis M v f)"
lemma satis_in_worlds: "satis M w f ⟹ world M w"
proof (induct rule:form.induct)
case (DISJ x1a x2)
then show ?case by auto
case (DIAM x)
then show ?case
by fastforce
qed simp_all
fun plts :: "form ⇒ num set" where
"plts (VAR a) = {a}"
| "plts FALSE = {}"
| "plts (NOT f) = plts f"
| "plts (DISJ f1 f2) = union (plts f1) (plts f2) "
| "plts (DIAM f) = plts f"
lemma exercise_1_3_1 :
"frame.truncate M1 = frame.truncate M2 ⟹
(⋀p. p ∈ plts f ⟹ valt M1 p = valt M2 p) ⟹
(satis M1 w f ≡ satis M2 w f)"
proof (induct f rule: form.induct)
case (VAR x)
then show ?case apply simp sorry
case FALSE
then show ?case sorry
case (DISJ x1a x2)
then show ?case sorry
case (NOT x)
then show ?case sorry
case (DIAM x)
then show ?case sorry
On the goal
case (VAR x)
then show ?case apply simp sorry
sledgehammer does not solve it, but I believe it is straightforward. What can sledgehammer see? I think maybe because I do not expand some theorems relevant to the record type?
It is saying: if we evaluate two modal formulas on two models with only differs on valuation of propositional letters (and the underlying set and the relation on the underlying set are both the same). Then if the two models agree on all the propositional letter in a formula f, then M1,w |= f iff M2,w |=f.
The hard lesson to learn: Sledgehammer is not magic
It is great, but it is not magic
There are a lot of things it is bad at
including records
At some point you have to look at the theorem and wonder: how can I prove this on paper
Then you search for useful lemmas, like:
find_theorems world frame.truncate
Okay! Sledgehammer is already very impressive (in a positive sense, in contrast to the induction stuff).
found 1 theorem(s):
test.frame.defs(4): frame.truncate ?r ≡ ⦇world = world ?r, rel = rel ?r⦈
is what I can only get.
… yeah and now you have to use it ;-)
I do not want to spoil it, I think learning it is part of the experience
Let me try it tomorrow! Thanks for teaching this command:
find_theorems world frame.truncate
multiple patterns, very helpful.
if you really do not manage, but please try to
Thanks! I swear I will not click it before trying it enough by myself!
Mathias Fleury said:
if you really do not manage, but please try to
I solved it, but mine is a bit different. I searched the application of unfolding:
case (VAR x)
then show ?case unfolding test.frame.defs(4) by simp
The meaning is a bit different. You unfold then simplify, I simplify and allow to unfold, but the effect is the same: the goal is solved!
I am not very consistent with it, but usually I try to write it as: unfolding important_stuff_from_my_development by (simp add: boring_background_stuff)
I see. I appreciate the style of remarking on significant things.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC