I want to prove:
proof (prove)
using this:
u = ul ! j
(u, u') ∈ set (zip ul ul')
j < length ul
length ul = length ul'
goal (1 subgoal):
sledgehammer gives nothing, which is surprising. What is wrong here?
I think I see what is wrong. All my bad! Never minds.
ul = replicate 250 1
ul' = [0..<250]
u = 1
u' = 249
assumes "u = ul ! j"
assumes "(u, u') ∈ set (zip ul ul')"
assumes "j < length ul"
assumes "length ul = length ul'"
shows "u' = ul' ! j"
Nitpicking formula...
Nitpick found a counterexample for card 'a = 3 and card 'b = 3:
Free variables:
j = 0
u = a⇩1
u' = b⇩1
ul = [a⇩1, a⇩1]
ul' = [b⇩2, b⇩1]
with distinct it works
assumes "u = ul ! j" "distinct ul"
assumes "(u, u') ∈ set (zip ul ul')"
assumes "j < length ul"
assumes "length ul = length ul'"
shows "u' = ul' ! j"
using assms
apply auto
(*thank you sledgehammer*)
by (smt (verit) Pair_inject in_set_conv_nth length_zip min.idem nth_eq_iff_index_eq nth_zip)
Thanks! Eventually I remember to use nitpick for the thing that confuses me...
For simple list theorems, I always assume that sledgehammer will either prove it or the theorem is incorrect
So the important question is what is a "simple list theorem..."
everything that does only involves list operator from HOL.List or your own definitions
(HOL.List is nearly all useful functions)
I see. I should not under estimate sledgehammer.
It is more: you should not underestimate the amount of hours users have put into writing all the useful theorems
Surely I am not. But I fail to find useful thms on iterated zips... I hope it just indicates I should not ever need them...
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC