I have a definition that uses "Least" but I cannot get a witness from it. Here's a little repro that hopefully should get to the core of my problem, it depends on the LTS package from the AFP.
theory HanoiRepro
imports Main "Labeled_Transition_Systems.LTS"
context LTS
fun T :: "'state ⇒ 'state ⇒ nat" where
"T p q = (LEAST i. ∃ls. (length ls = i ∧ (p, ls, q) ∈ trans_star))"
assumes h: "1 < n" "p ≠ q"
shows T_n: "T p q = ((2 * (T p q)) + 1)"
proof -
have upper_bound: "T p q ≤ 2 * T p q + 1"
proof -
have witness_for_T: "∃ls. (T p q = length ls ∧ (p, ls, q) ∈ trans_star)" sorry
then show ?thesis sorry
have lower_bound: "T p q ≥ 2 * T p q + 1" sorry
show ?thesis using lower_bound upper_bound by linarith
Basically, I want to prove a recurrence relation over the function T (more or less following the outline on the proof wiki for the towers of hanoi proof: https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi#Setting_up_a_Recurrence_Rule). My plan was to, given some "T a b", get the "ls" associated with that and somehow convince isabelle of the lower and upper bounds.
My question is two-fold:
For completeness, the T I'm using in the actual theory development looks like this:
fun T :: "nat ⇒ location ⇒ location ⇒ nat" where
"T n a b = (LEAST i. ∃ms. (length ms = i ∧ ([0..<n] ⊣ a, ms, [0..<n] ⊣ b) ∈ hanoi⇧*))"
Where ([0..<n] ⊣ a, ms, [0..<n] ⊣ b) ∈ hanoi⇧*
means, a full tower on location a, using moves ms, to a full tower on location b, is an actual trace in the game of hanoi, implying ordered stacks and non-duplicate rings. I am not sure yet how I will prove something like "we must have moved the n−1 disks above it onto a vacant peg", but at least I'm pretty sure all the information I need is in the "hanoi⇧*" relation... I think at this point I might have to look at an existing formalization...!
The only example I've been able to find is https://lawrencecpaulson.github.io/2022/06/08/baby-descriptions.html, but that did not work for me. "try" just never completed the witness_for_t proof :/
As usual, I'll refer to this thread: https://isabelle.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/238552-Beginner-Questions/topic/Proving.20lemma.20with.20definite.20description/near/291315915
The pendant of (LEAST i. P i)
is first ∃i. P i
. This gives you a witness meaning that at least one element exists (depending of the typei
, that also means that there is a least)
As usual, I'll refer to this thread
That is helpful, thank you!
The pendant of
(LEAST i. P i)
is first∃i. P i
This is also a useful tip. Somehow I could only get a proof for this using sledgehammer
. try
would not find it for some reason. I'm guessing I have a few declarations that should be definitions instead of functions... Proof search has been deteriorating anyway.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC