I'm trying to lead an inductive proof over a finite set, and I found the Finite_Set.finite_induct
lemma which seems to be what I want (though I may in future need to induct over the elements in a specified linear order, but not yet). But I can't figure out how to start the proof, other than just proof (rule finite_induct)
, but it feels like there should be a more idiomatic way of using it?
I assume that you just forgot to add the finite S
fact to the context:
using `finite S`
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
Oh, yeap, that was it. Thanks!
Is there a way to fold over elements in a finite set (with Finite_Set.fold
or something similar) in a specified linear order? (And then that'll constrain the finite_induct
proof as well I assume..)
Though I guess at that point I might as well just use a list, but it'd be unhandy with the rest of my definitions & lemmas..
why would you want to do that?
Yeah good question, guess that's a bad idea then.
A set is by definitions unordered. If you need an order, then you don't have a set anymore…
IIRC, there is a sorted_list_of_list
or something like that to convert a set to an ordered list
Yeah there is List.sorted_list_of_set :: 'a set => 'a list
, but it takes no linear order as an argument, so I don't know how to call that..
is assumed to have a linear order
Ah, hm, guess I'll finally have to dive into locales then
but why do you need an order? For non-determinism, I would use an inductive predicate
You can also always just "obtain" a list using the theorem finite_list
. If you need this top-level for whatever reason (i.e. outside an Isar proof), you can use SOME
in combination with that theorem (SOME xs. set xs = A
). None of this is executable, of course (while sorted_list_of_set
) ist.
I would, however, generally avoid working with lists instead of finite sets unless you have a good reason for doing so.
I am working with an existing framework which gives me a set of elected alternatives E, and for each alternative I want to do something. And the order in which I draw those candidates may affect the outcome, but I am not sure.
If you are not sure and don't care, use an inductive predicate to express a nondetirministic fold…
Oh sorry I had somehow missed your message yesterday.
also has permutations_of_set
which gives you all the lists that are a permutation of a given finite set A
How would I use an inductive predicate to express some fold then? Right now I'm trying to define a function
which computes my result (pattern matching on {}
and insert x xs
), but to be honest I have no clue what I'm doing.
is already an inductive predicate, so maybe that could be reused.
function draw :: "'a set ⇒ 'a list" where
"draw {} = []" |
"finite (insert x xs) ⟹ draw (insert x xs) = x # draw xs"
This is just a minimal example, something roughly like this is what I had in mind. (yes I know it's probably terribly wrong, please don't laugh :P)
that is the whole point of the discussion: this is not possible.
You cannot do that.
The definition is not well defined
What you can define is a fold-like predicate:
inductive fold_set :: ‹_ ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'a set ⇒ bool›
for f :: ‹'b ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b›
"fold_set f dflt {}" |
"fold_set f a S ⟹ fold_set f (f a b) (insert b S)"
must be a meaningfull constant in you case or another parameter
This is available as Finite_Set.fold_graph
ah, I did not know about that predicate. Thanks
If your operation is commutative, i.e. the result doesn't depend on the order used (and you can prove it), then there's Finite_Set.fold
which uses THE
on fold_graph
I gave up on this last time, but the issue has come up again, and I'm at my wit's end to be honest. I have a set A
, and a subset S
of A. And I have a linear order linord
on A. How do I get S
transformed into a list according to the linear order? I know there is List.sorted_list_of_set
, but it uses Locales and I have no time to dig into that for something this (seemingly) simple, sorry..
Is the linear order on the type or or just the set S
Just on A
(and S is a subset).
can you use SOME xs. set xs = A
If it is on the set, then you are out of luck currently without resorting to Types-To-Sets
. I have already relativised the folding
locale to sets but the changes will be in the next release at the earliest.
I have something like that in the AFP: https://www.isa-afp.org/browser_info/current/AFP/Comparison_Sort_Lower_Bound/Linorder_Relations.html
It uses its own notation of "linear order", but that should be easy to adapt.
Looks like linorder_on
is equivalent to linear_order_on
Looks like what I need then! I never used AFP before, is there a canonical way of importing theories from AFP? It also seems to depend on List_Index which is AFP-only as well by the looks of it
The easiest way is to download the AFP, include it as a component (that's explained on the website) and then you can import it by writing Comparison_Sort_Lower_Bound.Linorder_Relations
You can also try just copying out whatever parts of the theory you need (no need to cite me or anything).
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC