I've been having an issue where, after closing jedit and trying to repoen, the jedit process doesnt start unless I restart my machine.
I'm running Windows 10.
Is this a common/known issue?
Any messages if you start it from the console?
Manuel Eberl said:
Any messages if you start it from the console?
Ah, I'll check that next time. On further thought, I think it only happens if I kill isabelle when something freezes, so it makes sense something would get messed up. I wonder how to reset it without a system restart..
Hm, I think normally when you start Isabelle/jEdit, it always starts a separate new Isabelle process and a separate new jEdit process. So even if there's some broken old process lingering in the background it shouldn't make any difference.
Maybe something with the JVM? I don't know. I've never used Isabelle on Windows. But if something doesn't launch, looking at the console output is typically the best way of finding out what's going on.
If we can't resolve this here quickly, I recommend you ask on the isabelle-users mailing list instead. The main Isabelle developer, Makarius, is the best person to dig into this more deeply, and he doesn't read Zulip I'm afraid.
Manuel Eberl said:
Any messages if you start it from the console?
No output, instantly returns.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC