Hi everybody,
I defined basic for my proving as follows:
(*----------set up Type and Instances------------*)
definition TypeTrig :: "nat list" (*port types*)
where "TypeTrig = [0, 1]"
definition IncTrig :: "nat set list" (*port instances of each port type IncTrig*)
where "IncTrig = [{10, 14}, {11,12,13}]"
definition TypeSync :: "nat list" (*port types*)
where "TypeSync = [0]"
definition IncSync :: "nat set list" (*port instances of each port type IncTrig*)
where "IncSync = [{5,6}]"
(*----------funcs for mapping and searching between types and instances------------*)
fun pair_ns :: "nat ⇒ nat list ⇒ (nat * nat) list" where
"pair_ns x [] = []" |
"pair_ns x (y # ys) = [(x,y)] @ (pair_ns x ys)"
fun pair_mapping :: "nat list ⇒ nat set list ⇒ (nat * nat) list" where
"pair_mapping [] [] = []" |
"pair_mapping (x # xs) [] = []" |
"pair_mapping [] (y # ys) = []" |
"pair_mapping (x # xs) (y # ys) = pair_ns x (sorted_list_of_set y) @ pair_mapping xs ys "
fun pair_mapping_lists :: "nat list ⇒ nat set list ⇒ (nat * nat) list list" where
"pair_mapping_lists [] [] = []" |
"pair_mapping_lists (x # xs) [] = []" |
"pair_mapping_lists [] (y # ys) = []" |
"pair_mapping_lists (x # xs) (y # ys) = [pair_ns x (sorted_list_of_set y)] @ pair_mapping_lists xs ys "
fun lookup :: "'k ⇒ ('k × 'v) list ⇒ 'v list" where
"lookup k [] = []" |
"lookup k (x#xs) = (if fst x = k then [(snd x)]@lookup k (xs) else lookup k xs)"
value "pair_mapping TypeTrig IncTrig"
value "pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig"
value "length (pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig)"
value "nth (pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig) 0"
value "hd (pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig)"
(*---------product functions for creating alphaSet and betaSet------------*)
fun product_2lists :: "'a list => 'a list => 'a list list" where
"product_2lists [] ys = []" |
"product_2lists xs [] = []" |
"product_2lists (x#xs) (y#ys) = [x # y # []] @ product_2lists xs (y#ys) @ product_2lists (x#[]) ys"
fun insert_list :: "'a => 'a list list => 'a list list" where
"insert_list x [] = []" |
"insert_list x (y#ys) = [List.insert x y] @ insert_list x (tl (y#ys))"
value "insert_list 3 [[1::nat,2], [4,5]]"
fun product_l2ll :: "'a list => 'a list list => 'a list list" where
"product_l2ll [] ys = []" |
"product_l2ll xs [] = []" |
"product_l2ll (x#xs) (ys) = insert_list x ys @ product_l2ll xs ys"
fun product_inListList :: "'a list list => 'a list list" where
"product_inListList [] = []" |
"product_inListList (x#[]) = (x#[])" |
"product_inListList (x#y#[]) = product_2lists x y" |
"product_inListList (x#ys) = product_l2ll x (product_inListList (ys))"
value "pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig"
value "product_inListList (pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig)"
definition betaSet :: "(nat*nat) list set" where
"betaSet = set (product_inListList (pair_mapping_lists TypeTrig IncTrig))"
definition alphaSet :: "(nat*nat) list set" where
"alphaSet = set (product_inListList (pair_mapping_lists TypeSync IncSync))"
definition trigInSet_of :: "nat ⇒ nat set" where
"trigInSet_of k = (if k ∈ (set TypeTrig) then set (lookup k (pair_mapping TypeTrig IncTrig)) else {})"
definition syncInSet_of :: "nat ⇒ nat set" where
"syncInSet_of t = (if t ∈ (set TypeSync) then set (lookup t (pair_mapping TypeSync IncSync)) else {})"
Then, I tried to prove this lemma:
lemma "∀bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig). P k (hd (lookup k bet))
⟶ (∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)
⟹ (∃bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig).∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)"
unfolding betaSet_def TypeTrig_def IncTrig_def trigInSet_of_def
apply auto
But Isabelle keeps running forever at apply auto
. I thought that because Isabelle doesn't calculate that lookup k bet
always returns 1 value. So I added a lemma:
lemma lookup_length: "∀bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig). (length (lookup k bet) = 1)"
unfolding betaSet_def TypeTrig_def IncTrig_def
apply auto
lemma "∀bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig). P k (hd (lookup k bet))
⟶ (∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)
⟹ (∃bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig).∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)"
unfolding betaSet_def TypeTrig_def IncTrig_def trigInSet_of_def
using lookup_length
apply auto
The lookup_length
is ok but the latter is still unprovable.
Then, I calculated each formula using value
and wrote another lemma
to prove the result from them:
value "∀bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig).∀h∈(set (lookup k bet)). P k (hd (lookup k bet))
⟶ (∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)"
value "(∃bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig).∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)"
lemma "(¬ P 0 14 ∧ ¬ P 1 12 ∧ ¬ P 1 13 ∨
¬ P 0 10 ∧ ¬ P 1 12 ∧ ¬ P 1 13 ∨
¬ P 0 10 ∧ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 13 ∨
¬ P 0 10 ∧ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 12 ∨ ¬ P 0 14 ∧ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 13 ∨ ¬ P 0 14 ∧ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 12)
⟹ (((P 0 10 ⟶ ¬ P 0 14) ∧ (P 1 11 ⟶ ¬ P 1 12 ∧ ¬ P 1 13)) ∧
((P 0 14 ⟶ ¬ P 0 10) ∧ (P 1 11 ⟶ ¬ P 1 12 ∧ ¬ P 1 13)) ∧
((P 0 14 ⟶ ¬ P 0 10) ∧ (P 1 12 ⟶ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 13)) ∧
((P 0 14 ⟶ ¬ P 0 10) ∧ (P 1 13 ⟶ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 12)) ∧
((P 0 10 ⟶ ¬ P 0 14) ∧ (P 1 12 ⟶ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 13)) ∧
(P 0 10 ⟶ ¬ P 0 14) ∧ (P 1 13 ⟶ ¬ P 1 11 ∧ ¬ P 1 12))"
apply auto
It worked. Could you explain why Isabelle cannot prove my first formula, please?
Tracing the simplifier shows that simp is already looping, but it is not immediately clear to me why (P 0 14 ⟹ ?x1 ∈ {10, 14} - {14} ⟹ P 0 ?x1
is generated and repeatedly rewritten, whatever the reason).
Mathias Fleury said:
Tracing the simplifier shows that simp is already looping, but it is not immediately clear to me why (
P 0 14 ⟹ ?x1 ∈ {10, 14} - {14} ⟹ P 0 ?x1
is generated and repeatedly rewritten, whatever the reason).
Hi Mathias,
What is the difference between ⟹
and ≡
in lemma?
As I understand, ⟹
is considered as imply (but P ⟹ Q ⟹ R
means (P & Q) --> R
Meanwhile, ≡
is to present the equivalence between two formulas (e.g. P ≡ Q
Is that right?
I tested these two lemmas and both of them are provable. I think in this case, ⟹
and ≡
are the same
lemma: "∀x ∈ {0, 1}. P x ⟹ P 0 ∧ P 1"
by auto
lemma: "∀x ∈ {0, 1}. P x ≡ P 0 ∧ P 1"
by auto
Then, I tested a concrete example that is
lemma "((P 1 ⟶ ¬ P 2) ∧ (P 2 ⟶ ¬ P 1)) ⟹ (¬ P 1 ∨ ¬ P 2)"
by auto
It is provable.
lemma "((P 1 ⟶ ¬ P 2) ∧ (P 2 ⟶ ¬ P 1)) ≡ (¬ P 1 ∨ ¬ P 2)"
by auto
It's unprovable. However, if I use argo
instead of auto
, both of them are provable. Could you explain and confirm my understanding, please?
Avoid ≡
unless you are programming a tool. It tends to confuse tactics like auto
So is my understanding of them correct?
I asked this because when I used ==
instead of ==>
, my lemma is provable. (This lemma aims to prove two formulas are equivalent)
lemma "∀bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig). P k (hd (lookup k bet))
⟶ (∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)
≡ (∃bet∈betaSet.∀k∈(set TypeTrig).∀h1∈(trigInSet_of k)-{(hd (lookup k bet))}.¬P k h1)"
unfolding betaSet_def TypeTrig_def IncTrig_def trigInSet_of_def
using [[simp_trace]]
apply auto
is equal on the Pure level, not implication.
I believe in your case it works because the LHS and the RHS are simplified separately, instead of being simplified together..
I'm clear. Thank you for your explanation.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC