I tried the following:
locale preorder
typedecl conf
fixes vm :: "conf ⇒ conf ⇒ bool"
Isabelle/jEdit does not like "fixes" as it is not a command. I took a look at the Isar Reference Manual, 5.7.2 Locale declarations, but the syntax diagram is not detailed enough to figure out why the system complains about "fixes" here.
What's wrong with this?
The easiest is to look at other examples that work:
$ grep --include \*.thy -A 3 -r locale *
src/ZF/Induct/FoldSet.thy:locale fold_typing =
src/ZF/Induct/FoldSet.thy- fixes A and B and e and f
src/ZF/Induct/FoldSet.thy- assumes ftype [intro,simp]: "[|x \<in> A; y \<in> B|] ==> f(x,y) \<in> B"
src/ZF/Induct/FoldSet.thy- and etype [intro,simp]: "e \<in> B"
locale preorder =
fixes vm :: ...
fixes has to come before begin
I came up with
locale conf
typedecl conf
locale preorder = conf +
fixes vm :: "conf ⇒ conf ⇒ bool"
Yeah splitting locales is very standard (even if annoying)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC