Hello everyone! I am new to Isabelle, and am currently
familiarising myself with the basics of proving things.
One of the annoying things I found in using Isabelle is editing: it is a pain
for me to navigate in the jEdit editing interface, especially
doing things like adding parenthesis around expressions
to make sure there are no operator priority issues etc.
Are there any plugins that allow you to edit
in your familiar editor(vim/ emacs etc.) within the console?
Any info on this is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The TextMate plugin reduces the pain to add parentheses around expression in jEdit (but it is more stupid than the emacs counterpart)
Mathias Fleury said:
The TextMate plugin reduces the pain to add parentheses around expression in jEdit (but it is more stupid than the emacs counterpart)
Thanks! I will try that out!
Also just read from the Isabelle tutorial
that you can use the Proof General.
It uses emacs as editor, which I have to learn if
I want to use it( I mainly use vim for code writing).
If the plugin TextMate is good I will just stick to that:)
No, PG is gone since Isabelle 2014 (or 2015, I don't remember)
Mathias Fleury said:
The TextMate plugin reduces the pain to add parentheses around expression in jEdit (but it is more stupid than the emacs counterpart)
Somehow I can't find the plugin called TextMate in the plugin manager list.
Are you referring to this repository?
No it is a jedit thing, in the plugin manager
sorry FirstMate
Plugin > Plugin manager > Install > FirstMate
Mathias Fleury said:
No, PG is gone since Isabelle 2014 (or 2015, I don't remember)
But strangely it still appears in the 2020 version of tutorial for Isabelle!
(Just open the link and search for "proof general"
Mathias Fleury said:
sorry FirstMate
Yep! That plugin I can find.
Will try that out and tell my experience.
Thanks a lot!
If you feel very like adventurous, I have an emacs mode for Isabelle that uses Isabelle LSP server (and it works with spacemacs too).
Disclaimer: It is my side project; it is rough, the documentation is scarce and continuously outdated.
Mathias Fleury said:
If you feel very like adventurous, I have an emacs mode for Isabelle that uses Isabelle LSP server (and it works with spacemacs too).
Disclaimer: It is my side project; it is rough, the documentation is scarce and continuously outdated.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Looks pretty cool!
Interestingly I found this 2020 version of proof general on MELPA
I am going to try out both.
PG still works for Coq and other systems, but Isabelle support of PG was removed
But you might be the chosen one that can write correct Isabelle theories without any feedback from the prover. I don't believe this is possible, but I have no proof of that :grinning:
I used vim for years, but getting vim-like editing into jedit is even more unrealistic than getting emacs like editing. So I decided to pick up some emacs at some point and tweak jedit to emulate emacs as far as I can. I ended up with some emacs like editing but the shortcuts sometimes got inspired by my vim history. Here is my config: kevin_emacs_keys.props .
Here is my list of plugins.
In addition, I installed these emacs macros.
I also sometimes use the macro recording feature of jedit to create new macros, like "create a new theory file called Scratch that imports Main".
All in all, it is a much better experience now. The only thing I still hate is that I have to use "CTRL+click" to follow a reference/link and I don't know how put a keybinding on that action :exhausted:
Please help me if you know how to
Have you asked Makarius on the mailing list?
I asked him in person 1 year ago but to no avail
Isabelle is not for such low-level editors and the priority issues do not go away by an editor.
If you want something familiar then you can use VS Code:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC