Where are the refinement assumptions in the computation induction in structured ISAR proofs?
Let we have next minimum theory:
theory ComputationInductionExample
imports Main
datatype TpExpr = AnyTp
ArrowTp TpExpr TpExpr
fun isCorrect::"TpExpr ⇒ bool" where
"isCorrect AnyTp = True"
| "isCorrect ScalarTp = True"
| "isCorrect (ArrowTp x y) = ((isCorrect x)∧(isCorrect y))"
| "isCorrect ErrorTp = False"
fun lub::"TpExpr ⇒ TpExpr ⇒ TpExpr" where
"lub ErrorTp y = ErrorTp"
| "lub x ErrorTp = ErrorTp"
| "lub (ArrowTp a1 b1) (ArrowTp a2 b2) = (
if (isCorrect a1)∧(isCorrect b1)∧(isCorrect a2)∧(isCorrect b2)
then (if (a1=a2) then (ArrowTp a1 (lub b1 b2)) else AnyTp)
else AnyTp
| "lub (ArrowTp a1 b1) y = (if (isCorrect a1)∧(isCorrect b1) then AnyTp else ErrorTp)"
| "lub x (ArrowTp a2 b2) = (if (isCorrect a2)∧(isCorrect b2) then AnyTp else ErrorTp)"
| "lub ScalarTp ScalarTp = ScalarTp"
| "lub x y = AnyTp"
lemma lum_correct_forward: fixes x y :: TpExpr
assumes "isCorrectTp x" and "isCorrectTp y"
shows "isCorrectTp (lub x y)"
proof (induct x y rule: lub.induct)
case (1 y)
then have "x=ErrorTp"
(* where to get informatin that x=ErrorTp
or that (isCorrectTp ErrorTp) is in assumptions
for this case ?
thm lub.induct
thm "1"
thm "1.prems"
(* thm "1.IH". -- no IH. ?*)
(* thm "1.hyps" -- no hyps ?*)
thm assms
thm this
I can't understand - when I am situated inside a case for computation induction, there somewhere should be information about the binding of x and y relative to the current case. (i.e. should be or. " x=ErrorTp". in context or "isCorrecctTp ErrorTp" in assms. But it is not. What I missing, and how to bind variables in assumptions with the current case?
Without trying to really understand your example: The "induct" proof method does not know about the assumptions of your lemma. If you add them explicitly and start your proof with using assms proof (induct x y rule: lub.induct)
everything should work as expected
Thanks, it helped!
Also note that using induction
instead of induct
gives you slightly nicer names for the case assumptions. See the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual for details.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC