how can I specifiy is_open:: 'a => bool
when I want to prove something like:sublocal real_vector_normed_space
I'm afraid I don't understand your question at all.
Use the notation.
Ah, I only realised now that you're talking about that new AFP entry on schemes…
I thought you were talking about the corresponding notions from the standard library.
but I fail to make it when I code like
'''sublocale real_normed_vector_space ⊆ topological_space
where "is_open ≡ λ a::'a set.0"
@zibo yang 0 is not a boolean.
sorry but it fails again when I change it to true
actually I succeed proving:
sublocale real_normed_vector_space ⊆ sub: topological_space "is_open_space"
after I specify is_open_space in the context of real_normed_vector_space
but I always fail to define is_open when facing
sublocale real_normed_vector_space ⊆ topological_space
what causes my confusion is that: I code:
then I get the proof state:
proof (state)
goal (3 subgoals):
⋀S T. open S ⟹
open T ⟹
(S ∩ T)
⋀K. ∀S∈K.
open S ⟹
open (⋃ K)
I am confused about:1. I don't see any function named "open", there is only "is_open"
2. I get failure when I print "using open_def" to get the definition of "open"
3. I cannot define it like
where "open = is_open_space"
what causes my confusion is that: I code:
sublocale real_normed_vector_space ⊆ topological_space
then I get the proof state:
proof (state)
goal (3 subgoals):
1. open UNIV
2. ⋀S T. open S ⟹
open T ⟹
(S ∩ T)
3. ⋀K. ∀S∈K.
open S ⟹
open (⋃ K)
I am confused about:1. I don't see any function named "open", there is only "is_open"
where "open = is_open_space"
so I guess the only way to define "is_open" is just to specify it after the name"topological_space" like:
sublocale real_normed_vector_space ⊆ sub: topological_space "is_open_space"
am I right?
@zibo yang It seems like your topological spaces are the ones from the standard library, not the ones from the development on schemes. So, you may have to use a prefix to disambiguate. If your problem persists, I propose to continue the discussion elsewhere, since it's not a question on sublocales per se.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC