Hi, I wrote this for termination of this function
function loop_divisor_outer ::
"('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module ⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module"
"ns r = 0 ⟹ loop_divisor_outer r = defer_divisor r" |
"ns r > 0 ⟹ loop_divisor_outer r = loop_divisor_outer (main_function r)"
by auto
proof (relation "measure (λr. ns r)", goal_cases)
case (1)
then show ?case by simp
case (2 r)
assume "p r ≠ []"
then have "ns (main_function r) < ns (r)"
using nseats_decreasing_main_function "2" by blast
then show ?case by simp
Where lemma "nseats_decreasing_main_function" proves that "ns (main_function r) < ns r". Here:
fun main_function :: "('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module ⇒
('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module" where
"main_function rec =
assigning_seats (rec⦇p := ( find_max_votes (fv rec) (p rec))⦈)"
lemma nseats_decreasing_main:
assumes non_empty_parties: "p rec ≠ []"
assumes n_positive: "ns rec > 0"
shows "ns (assigning_seats rec) < ns rec"
proof (cases "length (p rec) ≤ ns rec")
case True
then have "ns (assigning_seats rec) = ns rec - length (p rec)"
by (auto simp add: Let_def)
also have "... < ns rec" using True n_positive non_empty_parties
by simp
finally show ?thesis .
case False
then have "ns (assigning_seats rec) = 0"
by (auto simp add: Let_def)
also have "... < ns rec" using n_positive
by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma nseats_decreasing_main_function:
assumes non_empty_parties: "p rec ≠ []"
assumes n_positive: "ns rec > 0"
shows "ns (main_function rec) < ns rec"
proof -
have "main_function rec = assigning_seats (rec⦇p := find_max_votes (fv rec) (p rec)⦈)"
by simp
also have "ns ( assigning_seats (rec⦇p := find_max_votes (fv rec) (p rec)⦈)) < ns rec" using non_empty_parties n_positive
by (simp add: Let_def)
finally show ?thesis
using assms nseats_decreasing_main nseats_decreasing by auto
But on the first termination proof, after "show", I get this
picking this:
ns (main_function r) < ns r
Failed to refine any pending goal
Local statement fails to refine any pending goal
Failed attempt to solve goal by exported rule:
(0 < ns ?r2) ⟹ (p ?r2 ≠ []) ⟹ (main_function ?r2, ?r2) ∈ measure ns
if it is picking my lemma how can it not proof the thesis? maybe mistake is on variables because of that "r2" but I don't know exactly how to fix. Or maybe the above lemmas are not correct somehow? Thanks in advance
Maybe you need show ?thesis
instead of show ?case
Lukas Stevens said:
Maybe you need
show ?thesis
instead ofshow ?case
if i change it i get this error, i think because from a case i cannot prove the full thesis
proof (chain)
picking this:
ns (main_function r) < ns r
Failed to refine any pending goal
Local statement fails to refine any pending goal
Failed attempt to solve goal by exported rule:
(0 < ns ?r2) ⟹ (p ?r2 ≠ []) ⟹ (0 < ns ?r2) ⟹ All loop_divisor_outer_dom
Never put an assume if you have a case
(yes it sometimes work. In the best case it is useless but bad taste. In the worst case, it leads to an error like here)
Mathias Fleury said:
Never put an assume if you have a case
So how should I proceed? Because if I remove assms the error I get is about "simp" unrolling all the functions inside while I am looking for something "simpler", because looking back at my code it seems the last step is enough to prove the thesis
I don't know. But you cannot add assumptions out of thin air. This is not how proof work.
Otherwise just assume False and every proof will be trivial
or do a case distinction whether the list is empty or not
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC