Hi, I have this function
fun assign_seats :: "('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module
⇒ ('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module" where
"assign_seats rec = (
let winners = get_winners (fv rec) (p rec) in
if length winners ≤ ns rec then
let rec' = (divisor_module [hd winners] rec) in
⦇res = (res rec'), p = (p rec'), i = (i rec'), s = (s rec'),
ns = ((ns rec') - 1), v = (v rec'), fv = (fv rec'), sl = (sl rec'), d = (d rec')
let rec'' = (break_tie winners rec) in
⦇res = (res rec''), p = (p rec''),
i = (i rec''), s = (s rec''),
ns = 0, v = (v rec''), fv = (fv rec''), sl = (sl rec''), d = (d rec'')
for which i want to prove this lemma
lemma assign_seats_seats_increased:
rec::"('a::linorder, 'b) Divisor_Module"
defines "winners ≡ get_winners (fv rec) (p rec)"
defines "party ≡ hd winners"
defines "index ≡ get_index_upd party (p rec)"
defines "rec' ≡ (divisor_module [hd winners] rec)"
assumes "length winners ≤ ns rec"
assumes "index < length (sl rec)"
shows "sl (assign_seats rec) ! index = sl rec ! index + 1"
proof -
have "sl (assign_seats rec) = sl (⦇res = (res rec'),
p = (p rec'),
i = (i rec'),
s = (s rec'),
ns = ((ns rec') - 1),
v = (v rec'),
fv = (fv rec'),
sl = (sl rec'),
d = (d rec')
using assms assign_seats_update by metis
then have "sl (assign_seats rec) ! index = (sl rec') ! index"
by simp
then have "... = sl (divisor_module [hd winners] rec) ! index" using assms by simp
then have "... = (list_update (sl rec) index ((sl rec) ! index + 1))
! index" using assms divisor_module_sl_update
by (metis list.sel(1))
then have "... = sl rec ! index + 1"
using nth_list_update_eq assms by simp
then have "sl (assign_seats rec) ! index = sl rec ! index + 1" by simp
then show ?thesis using ‹sl (assign_seats rec) ! index = sl rec ! index + 1›
by simp
The step then have "sl (assign_seats rec) ! index = sl rec ! index + 1" by simp
is not working (failed to finish subgoal). How is that possible, if I spent the previous steps proving this equivalence? Is there something I am missing? All the previous steps are working, so I don't think it's necessary to share also code about previous functions or lemmas.
not then
then threads only the last used fact, while you want to have all of then combined…
The first string of then
s should be also
s; the last one a finally
Manuel Eberl said:
The first string of
s should bealso
s; the last one afinally
Thank you, since Isabelle was not giving any error I thought it was legit. Not it works.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC