Hi Makarius and community,
There are a few outstanding reports of unexpected behaviour regarding
code generation, adhoc overloading, and locales.
Each report contains a minimal example to reproduce the behaviours, all
of which persist in Isabelle2024-RC3.
The reports are:
(Failure of lift_definition
in the context of type classes.)
(Constant folding during code generation from locales and sublocales)
(Adhoc Overloading corrupted by unrelated definition)
These behaviours arise in a large-scale application of Isabelle making
extensive use of nested locales, code generation, and adhoc overloading.
We are currently carrying ad-hoc (no pun intended) patches to
adhoc_overloading because of the last report.
I appreciate that investigating these reports is time-consuming and, by
now, not an option for Isabelle2024 anymore. Moving forward, however,
thoughts would be appreciated on how to explain/address them. If there
is a place where such open reports are gathered, that would also be
helpful to know, so they cannot be forgotten.
Thanks for the hard work,
From: Kevin Kappelmann <>
Attached you can find a patch for the third report. I leave it up to
Makarius whether this can still be included in Isabelle2024.
The issue is that variants_eq
in adhoc_overloading.ML
equality of types syntactically, but it has to check it up to renaming
of schematics.
(In the example of the report, the types ?'a -> ?'a and ?'a1 -> ?'a1
weren't identified)
Best wishes,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC