From: Andrei Popescu <>
21st Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science
MGS 21
12-16 April 2021, virtually
The annual Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing
Science (MGS) offers an intensive programme of lectures on the
mathematical foundations of computing. It addresses first of all PhD
students in their first or second year, but is open to anyone
interested in its topics, from academia to industry and around the
world. The MGS has been run since 1999 and is hosted alternately by
the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield.
MGS 21 is its 21st incarnation. Information about previous events can
be found at the MGS web site
MGS 21 consists of eight courses, each with four or five hours of
lectures and a similar number of exercise sessions. Three courses are
introductory; one is given by an invited lecturer. These should be
attended by all participants. The remaining more advanced courses
should be selected based on interest. MGS 21 aims at a mix of
livestreamed and prerecorded lectures and livestreamed exercise
sessions, with additional social online events.
Invited lectures:
Monads and Interactions
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik
Introductory courses:
Category Theory
Jacopo Emmenegger, Birmingham
Type Theory
Thorsten Altenkirch, Nottingham
Proof Theory
Anupam Das, Birmingham
Advanced courses:
Homotopy Type Theory
Nicolai Kraus, Nottingham
Inductive and Coinductive Reasoning with Isabelle/HOL
Andrei Popescu, Sheffield
Effects and Call-by-Push-Value
Paul Levy, Birmingham
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Mohammad Mousavi, Leicester
In addition we are organising a session where participants can briefly
present and discuss their own research. A call will be made in March.
Participation at MGS 21 is free of charge, but selective. Requests
must be submitted online via
Registration deadline is April 1.
Please direct all queries about MGS 21 to Georg Struth.
The Sheffield organisers are
Harsh Beohar (
Andrei Popescu (
Georg Struth (
From: Andrei Popescu <>
Dear Isabelle users,
Please note this upcoming intensive programme of lectures, which
includes lectures on inductive and coinductive reasoning with
Isabelle. Registration is open until April 1st.
Best wishes,
21st Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science
MGS 21
12-16 April 2021, virtually
The annual Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing
Science (MGS) offers an intensive programme of lectures on the
mathematical foundations of computing. It addresses first of all PhD
students in their first or second year, but is open to anyone
interested in its topics, from academia to industry and around the
world. The MGS has been run since 1999 and is hosted alternately by
the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield.
MGS 21 is its 21st incarnation. Information about previous events can
be found at the MGS web site
MGS 21 consists of eight courses, each with four or five hours of
lectures and a similar number of exercise sessions. Three courses are
introductory; one is given by an invited lecturer. These should be
attended by all participants. The remaining more advanced courses
should be selected based on interest. MGS 21 aims at a mix of
livestreamed and prerecorded lectures and livestreamed exercise
sessions, with additional social online events.
Invited lectures:
Monads and Interactions
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik
Introductory courses:
Category Theory
Jacopo Emmenegger, Birmingham
Type Theory
Thorsten Altenkirch, Nottingham
Proof Theory
Anupam Das, Birmingham
Advanced courses:
Homotopy Type Theory
Nicolai Kraus, Nottingham
Inductive and Coinductive Reasoning with Isabelle/HOL
Andrei Popescu, Sheffield
Effects and Call-by-Push-Value
Paul Levy, Birmingham
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Mohammad Mousavi, Leicester
In addition we are organising a session where participants can briefly
present and discuss their own research. A call will be made in March.
Participation at MGS 21 is free of charge, but selective. Requests
must be submitted online via
Registration deadline is April 1.
Please direct all queries about MGS 21 to Georg Struth.
The Sheffield organisers are
Harsh Beohar (
Andrei Popescu (
Georg Struth (
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC