From: Stepan Holub <>
for some reason, I need to characterize all solutions of the Bezout-like
ax + by = c
in nat. That is, no subtraction, no negative numbers.
Here, is the report on the outcome, in case it is of a general interest,
or in case it duplicates some existing work.
It can be seen as na extension of bezw from GCD.thy, in particular, of
‹Versions of Bezout for ‹nat›, by Amine Chaieb.›
We define a division of /c/ by /a/ modulo /b/ constructively as follows
definition div_mod
where "div_mod c a b =
(let b' = b div gcd a b;
a' = a div gcd a b;
c' = c div gcd a b
nat (int c' * fst (bezw a' b') mod int b')
Its desired property, if the necessary condition is satisfied, is
captured by the introduction rule:
lemma div_modI: assumes "gcd a b dvd c"
shows "a * div_mod c a b mod b = c mod b"
and its minimality:
lemma div_mod_min: assumes "a * x mod b = c mod b"
shows "a * div_mod c a b mod b = c mod b" and
"div_mod c a b ≤ x"
For non-zero b, the value satisfies the following bound:
lemma div_mod_bound: assumes "b ≠ 0" shows "div_mod c a b < b div gcd a b"
For b = 0 we get the standard division:
lemma div_mod_zero: assumes "b = 0" shows "div_mod c a b = c div a"
and division by zero is zero, as usual,
lemma div_mod_zero': assumes "a = 0" shows "div_mod c a b = 0"
Back to the original motivation, we now have the following
characterization of solvability:
lemma bezout_nat_solution_test: "(∃ x y. ax + by = (c:: nat)) ⟷ (gcd a
b) dvd c ∧ a * div_mod c a b ≤ c"
A solution can be easily obtained
fun solve_bezout_nat :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat * nat"
where "solve_bezout_nat a b c = (div_mod c a b, (c - a*div_mod c a
b) div b)"
with verification:
lemma solve_bezout_nat_correct: assumes "(gcd a b) dvd c" and "a *
div_mod c a b ≤ c"
shows "a * fst (solve_bezout_nat a b c) + b * snd (solve_bezout_nat a
b c) = c"
(is "a * ?x + b * ?y = c")
Best regards
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC