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Topic: [isabelle] CADE-28 Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials,...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2020 at 09:46):

From: Sophie Tourret <>
CADE-28: Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials and Competitions

The 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-28)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. 11-16th July 2021.

CADE will carefully monitor the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and take
guidance from from the health authorities, to determine whether CADE-28 will be
physical or online.

CADE is the major international forum for presenting research on all aspects of
automated deduction. High-quality submissions on the general topic of automated
deduction, including logical foundations, theory and principles, applications
in and beyond STEM, implementations, and the use/contribution of automated
deduction in AI, are solicited. CADE-28 aims to present research that reflects
the broad range of interesting and relevant topics in automated deduction.

Important Dates

Submissions can be made in two categories:

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer LNCS/LNAI
series. Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at
Papers must be submitted to the CADE-28 track via

Workshop proposals for CADE-28 are solicited. The workshops will take place
before the conference. Both well-established workshops and newer ones are
encouraged. Similarly, proposals for workshops with a tight focus on a core
automated reasoning specialization, as well as those with a broader, more
applied focus, are welcome. Please provide the following information in your
application document:

Tutorial proposals for CADE-28 are solicited. The tutorials will take place
before the conference. Tutorials are expected to be either half-day or full-day
events, with a theoretical or applied focus, on a topic of interest to CADE-28.
Proposals should provide the following information:

Within reason, CADE will take care of printing and distributing notes for
tutorials that would like this service.

The CADE ATP System Competition (CASC), which evaluates automated theorem
proving systems for classical logics, has become an integral part of the CADE
conferences. Further competition proposals are solicited. The goal is to foster
the development of automated reasoning systems and applications, in all areas
relevant to automated deduction in a broad sense. Proposals should include the
following information:

Important Dates


Submission Instructions

Proposals for workshops, tutorials, and competitions must be submitted to the
CADE-28-WTC track via

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC