From: Jasmin Blanchette via Cl-isabelle-users <>
The 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-28)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. 11-16th July 2021.
In cooperation with ACM SIGLOG<>
CADE will carefully monitor the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and take
guidance from the health authorities, to determine whether CADE-28 will be
physical or online or hybrid.
CADE is the major international forum for presenting research on all aspects of
automated deduction. High-quality submissions on the general topic of automated
deduction, including logical foundations, theory and principles, applications
in and beyond STEM, implementations, and the use/contribution of automated
deduction in AI, are solicited. CADE-28 aims to present research that reflects
the broad range of interesting and relevant topics in automated deduction.
Important Dates
Submissions can be made in two categories:
Regular papers. Up to 15 pages in LNCS style. Proofs of theoretical results
that do not fit in the page limit may be provided in an appendix. Reviewers
may consider additional material in appendices, but submissions must be self-
contained within the page limit.
Short papers (including system descriptions, user experiences, domain models,
etc.) Up to 10 pages in LNCS style.
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
They will be judged on relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and
readability. If software or data is relevant to a paper, a link that provides
access to the software/data must be provided to enable reproduction of results.
The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where authors will
have the option to respond to reviewer comments. The PC chairs may solicit
further reviews after the rebuttal period.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer LNCS/LNAI
series. Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at
Papers must be submitted to the CADE-28 track via
All questions about submissions should be emailed to André Platzer
( and Geoff Sutcliffe (
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC