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From: Thorsten Wissmann <>
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9th International Conference on
Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science

31 Aug - 03 Sep 2021

Salzburg, Austria (if possible)

Co-located with MFPS XXXV

Paper submission: 10 June 2021 AoE (NEW)
Author notification: 29 July 2021
Final version due: 12 August 2021


Algebraic and coalgebraic methods and tools are a mainstay of computer
science. From data types to development techniques and specification
formalisms, both theoreticians and practitioners have benefited from the
large body of research proposed and implemented since the pioneering
works of the 1960s.

CALCO aims to bring together researchers with interests in both
foundational and applicative uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer
science, traditional as well as emerging ones.

CALCO is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces
and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic
Methods in Computer Science) and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic
Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea
(Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009), Winchester
(UK, 2011), Warsaw (Poland, 2013), Nijmegen (the Netherlands, 2015),
Ljubljana (Slovenia,2017), and London (UK, 2019).

The 9th edition will be held in Salzburg, Austria, co-located with MFPS

Joint CALCO-MFPS Invited Speaker

CALCO Invited Speakers

Joint CALCO-MFPS Special Session on Termination Analysis and Synthesis

Submission Categories

CALCO invites papers relating to all aspects of algebraic and
coalgebraic theory and applications, and distinguishes between four
categories of submissions.

  1. Regular papers that report
  1. (Co)Algebraic Pearls papers that
  1. Early ideas abstracts that lead to
  1. Tool presentation papers that

Topics of Interests

All topics relating to algebraic and coalgebraic theory and applications
are of interest for CALCO, and among them

Submissions Guidelines

All submissions will be handled via EasyChair

The format for all submissions is specified by LIPIcs. Please use the
latest version of the style

It is recommended that submissions adhere to that format and length.
Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately.

Regular papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English
presenting original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. Regular papers should be
maximum 15 pages long, excluding references. Proofs omitted due to space
limitations may be included in a clearly marked appendix. Each
submission will be evaluated by at least three reviewers.

Proceedings will be published in the Dagstuhl LIPIcs Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics series.

A special issue of the open access journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science ( will contain the extended versions of
selected papers.

(Co)algebraic pearls

This is a new submission category in 2021. Explaining a known idea in a
new way may make as strong a contribution as inventing a new idea. We
encourage the submission of pearls: elegant essays that illustrate an
idea in a beautiful or didactically clever way, perhaps by developing an
application. Pearls are typically short and concise and so should not be
longer than regular papers in the format specified by LIPIcs. Authors
who feel they need a bit more space should consult with the PC
co-chairs. The accepted papers will be included in the final proceedings
of the conference. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two

Early ideas abstracts

Submissions should not exceed 2 pages in the format specified by LIPIcs.
The volume of selected abstracts will be made available on arXiv and on
the CALCO pages. Authors will retain copyright, and are also encouraged
to disseminate the results by subsequent publication elsewhere. Each
submission will be evaluated by at least two reviewers.

Tool papers

Submissions should not exceed 5 pages in the format specified by LIPIcs.
The accepted tool papers will be included in the final proceedings of
the conference. The tools should be made available on the web at the
time of submission for download and evaluation. Each submission will be
evaluated by at least three reviewers, and one or more of the reviewers
will be asked to download and use the tool.

Best Paper and Best Presentation Awards

This edition of CALCO will feature two awards: a Best Paper Award whose
recipients will be selected by the PC before the conference and a
Best Presentation Award, elected by the participants.

Programme Committee


Local Organiser

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC