From: Toby Murray <>
Call for Participation - HotSpot 2021
7th Workshop on
Hot topics in the Principles of Security and Trust
Affiliated with Euro S&P 2021, Monday 6 September, online
Organized by the Theory of Security working group IFIP WG 1.7.
HotSpot is the workshop on Hot Topics in the Principles of Security and Trust. It will meet virtually together with the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Trust on
Monday, 6 September 2021.
The € 60 registration fee allows attendance at all IEEE Euro S&P events.
HotSpot is a blend of invited and contributed papers.
Our excellent list of speakers includes:
Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin, on
"Trustworthy ML: Past, Present, and Future"
N. Asokan, University of Waterloo, on
"Hardware-assisted run-time protection"
Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University, on
"A New Universally Optimal Mechanism for Metric Differential Privacy"
Ilya Sergey, National University of Singapore and Yale-NUS College, on
"Practical Smart Contract Sharding with Ownership"
Andreas Lochbihler, Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH, on
"Canton: Creating a Virtual Global Shared Ledger",
Achim Brucker, University of Exeter, on
"When Integers are not What They Appear to Be: The Impact of Integer Overflows"
Peter Rønne, University of Luxembourg, on
"Extremely (in)secure"
We also have a number of intriguing contributed
talks. The full schedule is at:
This is shaping up to be a very promising exchange of ideas on security and trust principles. We'll work hard to make sure that there are ample opportunities for interaction, questions, and discussion.
We'd love to have you join in for the day!
Toby Murray and Sebastian Mödersheim
HotSpot 2021
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC