From: Alexander Steen <>
EuroProofNet ( is the European research
network on digital proofs. EuroProofNet aims at boosting the
interoperability and usability of proof systems. EuroProofNet is a COST
action started on November 2021 gathering more than 220 researchers from
30 different countries.
The aim of working group 2 (WG 2) is to promote the output of detailed,
checkable proofs from automated theorem provers. Work is under way for
FOL/HOL theorem provers and SMT solvers, but the expressivity of their
input languages renders the task significantly more complicated than
e.g., in the propositional SAT world, with a higher need of coordination.
A Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) is a research visit of an
individual researcher from a country participating in the Action in a
different country also participating in the Action. We encourage STSMs
as they are an effective way of starting and maintaining collaborations.
The beneficiary of an STSM will be reimbursed only of his/her travel
expenses plus a daily allowance depending on the host country for each
day of his/her stay, see conditions and details at
Deadline for applications: May 8, 2023
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC