Call for Submissions to the doctoral programme
16th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2023 -
4–8 September 2023
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, UK (hybrid event)
*** Deadlines
- Doctoral Programme: 14 July 2023
Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical information.
CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such
as computation, deduction, knowledge management, and user interfaces.
It offers a venue for discussing problems and solutions in each of
these areas and their integration.
* CICM 2023 Invited Speakers *
Lawrence C. Paulson: Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working
Mathematician - Lessons learnt from the Alexandria Project
Martina Seidl: Never trust your solver: Certificates for SAT and QBF
* CICM 2023 Programme committee *
* Doctoral Programme *
PhD students are invited to participate in the doctoral programme,
which provides them with a forum to present early results and receive
constructive feedback and mentoring. To attend, submit a two-page
abstract of the thesis describing the research questions, research
plans, completed and remaining research, evaluation plans and
publication plans; a two-page CV that includes background information
(name, university, supervisor), education (degree sought, year/status
of degree, previous degrees), employments, relevant research
experience (publications, presentations, attended conferences or
workshops, etc).
* Participation / Hybrid Event *
CICM 2023 will be held as an hybrid event, participation is possible
online or on-site. Authors of accepted papers can choose to present
online or on-site, but at least one author needs to register for the
* Important Dates *
Submissions to the doctoral programme
All submissions should be made via EasyChair at
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC