From: Frédéric Blanqui <>
* EuroProofNet Symposium*
8-19 September 2025, Orsay, France
The COST action EuroProofNet organizes in September a symposium at the
Institut Pascal, Orsay, France, with various great events:
8-11 September 2025: 1st International School on Logical Frameworks
and Proof Systems Interoperability
11-14 September 2025: Workshop on automated reasoning and proof
logging/WG2 meeting/WHOOPS
15-16 September 2025: Workshop on proof libraries/WG4 meeting
15-18 September 2025: Conference on mathematical and computational
linguistics for proofs
17-19 September 2025: Workshop on program verification/WG3 meeting
Important dates:
Frédéric Blanqui
Research director at INRIA
Chair of EuroProofNet
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC